2.9.1 Details of File Commands Regarding Schedules

An Administrator starts a new schedule by choosing "Manage Schedules" seen on the Admin View. From there the admin sees a list of schedules. This is shown in Section 2.4. To add a new schedule the Administrator clicks "Add Schedule" where it takes them to a schedule creation view. Once "Start from Scratch" is selected, a new schedule file is made and saved to disk. This only saves a blank schedule with no database information associated. Please see Database File Commands for more information on that.

An Administrator edits a new schedule by choosing "Manage Schedules" seen on the Admin View. From there the admin sees a list of schedules. This is shown in Section 2.4. To edit an existing schedule the Administrator selects a particular schedule and clicks "Edit." That takes them to a large landing page with all the information associated with a schedule. This is seen in Section 2.5. Each time the Administrator Publishes or Un-publishes a schedule, that particular schedule file gets written to disk. Each time the Administrator closes out of this view, they are prompted and asked if they want to save that schedule. By clicking "Yes," a the schedule file writes to disk.

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