Package view defines objects and operations related to the different views that a user will encounter when using the scheduler tool. Initially, there are three user views specified in the UI-Overview see Section 2.1 of the Milestone 6 requirements.

The initial user views are AdminView, InstructorView, and StudentView.

While using the scheduler tool, the admin, instructor, and student will all come in contact with CalendarView, MonthlyView, TableView, and WeeklyView. To view more information about these views see Section 2.5.

The admin will come in contact with CancelView, ConfirmRemovalView, CourseOverlapView, EditPersonalInformationView, TimePatternView, TimeProximityView, and TimeRestrictionView when viewing and editing schedules to be published. To view more information about these views see Section 2.4.

Students will interact with StudentFeedback. To view more information about this view see 2.1.3.

Instructors will interact with EditPersonalInformationview. To view more information about this view see