1.3. Operational Setting

There are two operational settings for the Grade Manager project: (1) Teacher / TA use; (2) Student use.

The Grade Manager tool will have to be installed in one of these two settings according to the user’s needs. Teacher mode will allow spreadsheet manipulation and data entry, as well as release of data input to the system. Student mode will allow users to connect to a specified teacher’s system (using teacher provided username and password) in order to see what their grades are, where they stand in the class, and to perform grade estimation operations.

This software is intended for classroom settings, where teachers want students to have up-to-date access to their grades.

The tool’s requirements and usability reflect the point of view of our customer, Gene Fisher. However, given the usefulness of the tool he has seen fit to develop this tool as not just a personal project but as a project that any teacher can use. Thus, the customer has made a drastic effort to make the Grade Manager system as user friendly and functional as possible for any classroom setting.

There are no real computer-based supports in use that deal with grade management, so any system will have a clean install of the software.

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