2.1.2. Student User Interface Overview

The scenario describes the basic functionality of the student interface. The student interface is a different application built for students to access their grades. The student application downloads grades from the server where the grades are stored, however the student can not make any changes to the grade data stored on the server for security reasons.

When the student initially invokes the user interface, the login screen appears as shown in Figure The student enters his or her student ID Number and Password in the standard format. All figures assume that the university has configured the server with the student's corresponding information.

Figure Initial Student User Interface Login

When a valid Student ID Number and Password are entered, the interface shown in Figure appears.

Figure Initial Student User Interface

The initial display consists of two components: a spreadsheet-like form to record student's grades for the assignments, and a selectable list of classes for navigation. The grades for the student who logged into the program are displayed as the first row in the table. The column values for the top row contain the grades for individual assignments as well as the current grade in the class. The column titled Score contains the current sum of all points earned by the student. The Column Grade contains the current grade earned by the student based only on the assignments which have been entered.

All rows that have "*******" in the Name column are the grades of the other students in the class. The Grades of other students in the class are kept private by replacing the other student's names with anonymous stars. The other rows are also displayed in random order so it is impossible to infer the identity of classmates based on alphabetical order or any other traditional ordering.

For more detailed information about the student Grader interface please visit the links below: