2.2.3. Saving a gradebook

Saving a gradebook to the computer science department server is used ONLY by instructors, and teacher assistants of a particular class. A regular student does not permission to save data to the Computer Science Department Server. This scenario shows how an individual can save a gradebook to a file or the Computer Science Department Server. In order to save gradebook to a server, the user has to establish a server connection first before performing the proceeding steps. The green lines in Figure 2.2.3-0 shows that only the TA and Instructor can save a gradebook to the Computer Science Department Server.


Figure 2.2.3-0 : Save: Network Environment.

Assuming that the user already has a gradebook spreadsheet window opened and modified and is preparing to save the gradebook both locally and to a server.

To save grade book, click on ‘File’ -> ‘Save As’ as shown in Figure 2.2.3-1.

Figure 2.2.3-1 : Navigation.

In response, a file browser window comes up as shown in Figure 2.2.3-2. Then the user specifies the path in which he or she wants to save the gradebook.

Figure 2.2.3-2 : (left) save locally, (right) save to hornet.

Note: When the user saves the gradebook to a server, make sure that the file is not locked.

After the path has been specified, he clicks on ‘Save’ then it is saved.


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