Requirements Specification Prototype Design Implementation Testing Administration Documentation

2.3.3 Editing Items

The instructor is allow to edit or delete any grade items. To delete, the instructor must first select the grade items. The next step is to select the Item->Delete on the menu bar.
In response, the system opens a prompt window like Figure 1 that asks the user if they wish to delete the item. If the instructor is deleting a category, then all grade items under that category are also deleted.

Figure 1

If the instructor is editing, the instructor has to select Item->Edit . The system opens the same window that adds a grade item or a category. However, instead of a blank window, the information about that grade item is loaded onto section 2.3.1's figure 3, or if the user is editing a category, then information about that category is loaded onto section 2.3.1's figure 4.

Figure 3

The instructor has the option to convert a grade item into a category or a category into a grade item. This is done at the lower left corner of section 2.3.1's figure 3 and figure 4. When the instructor wants to edit a grade item into a category, the instructors has to click on the "Make Category" button in section 2.3.1's figure 3. The system response by opening a new window shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 is the "Category Properties" window with information loaded from the grade item. In Figure 4, the instructor has converted "Program 1" into a category, and the item explorer shows that "Program 1" is no longer a grade item but a category.

Figure 4

Given that the instructor has converted a grade item into a category, and assuming the instructor has added new grade items under "Program 1", then the Grader displays the gradebook shown in Figure 4b.

Figure 4b

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