2.4.6. Editing Scores

The user creates a new graded item and enters grades for the item as shown in Section 2.4.2 and Section 2.4.5. The gradebook appears as shown in Figure

Note: The concatenation of the overall amount possible to the end is a user option.

Figure Gradesheet Prior to Editing Grades

If the user specifies the option to display overall amounts possible to be off, the gradebook instead appears as shown in Figure

Figure Gradebook Without Overall Amounts Possible

If the graded item has a grading style of points possible, the user clicks on the cell corresponding to the graded item and student they wish to edit the points for. The grid hightlights the current points as shown in Figure

Figure Selection of Points Possible Grade

The user types in the new points recieved for the assignment, and immediately overwrites the previous point value, as shown in Figure

Figure Resulting Grade Point Change

If the graded item has a grading style of mark set, the user clicks on the cell corresponding to the graded item and student they wish to edit the mark for. The grid displays a drop-down menu of all possible mark set values to choose from, as shown in Figure

Figure Selection of Mark Set Grade

The user selects the new mark recieved for the assignment from the drop-down menu of all possible mark values, and immediately overwrites the previous mark value, as shown in Figure

Figure Resulting Grade Mark Change

If the graded item has a grading style of complete/incomplete, the user clicks on the checkbox corresponding to the complete/incompleted graded item and student they wish to change the completion status for. The checkbox toggles its value, indicating whether it is complete or incomplete, as shown in Figure

Figure Changing Complete/Incomplete Grade

The Grader tool immediately recalculates the student and class total statistics as soon as the new grade value is changed.

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