2.4.3. Modifying Category and Item Weights

The instructor enters multiple categories and assignments, as shown in section 2.4.1 and section 2.4.2, the Category & Item Manager looks similar to Figure

Figure Manager With Multiple Categories and Items

The instructor adds weights (totaling 100%) before the "Save" button is enabled. Figure shows an instructor adding weights that total 115%. Because the total of the weights for all assignments and categories is not 100%, the "Weight" column is colored red, and an error is displayed at the bottom of the window. The instructor cannot click "Save" until the total is 100%.

Figure Manager With Incorrect Weights

When the instructor corrects the weights and makes them equal 100%, the "Weight" column is no longer colored red and the save button is enabled, as in Figure

Figure Manager With Correct Weights

At this point, the instructor clicks "Save" to apply all changes to the current gradebook. Optionally, if the instructor does not want to keep their changes, the instructor clicks the red "X" in the top right to close the window without saving changes.

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