2.5.3 Administrator Teacher Database Management

The first time the Scheduling Administrator chooses the Teacher Database management operation, the software displays the following window:

Figure Initial View of Teacher Database Management Interface

The scrolling list box on the left shows all the Teacher Records currently in the Teacher Database used by the Scheduler Tool in alphabetic 'Last, First' name order. On the right are the eight data fields corresponding to each Teacher Record:

*The Scheduling Administrator can only edit the Username field in this dialog. The rest should be filled by the teacher when he/she edits his/her directory information for the first time.

The Scheduling Administrator also uses five buttons to edit the Teacher Database. The 'Add' button lets the Scheduling Administrator add a teacher to the Teacher Database. The 'Delete' button removes a teacher from the Teacher Database. The 'Change' button changes the properties of the teacher selected from the left-hand list. The 'Preferences' button is intended for modifying teacher preferences for reasons listed in "Editing a Teacher" below. The 'Done' button closes the window.

Adding a Teacher

In this scenario, the Scheduling Administrator creates a record for a teacher with username gfisher. For purposes of illustrating list sorting only, the figures below show three teachers in the Teacher Database already: Tim Kearns, Mel Phillips, and Clark Turner. These entries have no bearing on the actions taken by the Scheduling Administrator or subsequent results.
To add a teacher to the Teacher Database, The Scheduling Administrator first double-clicks on the New Teacher... entry in the Teacher Database. The software then clears all the values in the fields on the right, and the cursor is placed into the text box labeled "Username", where editing of each field then begins.
This is the teacher's central server username, which will be used when the teacher logs in to edit his/her profile; The Scheduling Administrator enters it as a string of characters.
The Scheduling Administrator then clicks on the 'Add' button, and the software then adds the Teacher Record to the list on the left and highlights it. On a new addition, the name field contains no data, and so the software enters the username into the list. When the Teacher fills in the name field, the software then updates the name on the list to match the format of any other completed entries.

Figure Adding to Teacher Directory

Editing A Teacher

To change a teacher's username, the Scheduling Administrator double-clicks on the desired entry in the scrolling list-box. The software then fills the data fields on the right with the known data corresponding to those fields. From here, editing is the same as adding a teacher to the Teacher Database, with the exception that the Scheduling Administrator then clicks the 'Change' button when sufficient data is entered. Upon successful completion, the software then highlights the teacher in list on the left.

If, for reasons set out by the university, the Scheduling Administrator needs to change the teacher's directory information or preferences, he/she clicks on the 'Preferences' button; the software then displays the Teacher Preference Editing Dialog explained in Section 2.6.4, and once editing is complete there, returns the Scheduling Administrator to the Teacher Database Editing Window.

Figure Edited Teacher Directory Info

Delete Teacher Dialog

To delete a teacher from the Teacher Database, the Scheduling Administrator double-clicks on a teacher entry in the list on the left as if to edit it, but instead then clicks the 'Delete' button. The software takes the Scheduling Administrator to the Delete Confirmation dialog:

Figure Delete Teacher dialog

The Scheduling Administrator Clicks 'Yes' to confirm the deletion of the teacher, or clicks 'No' to cancel the delete operation. Both buttons close the Delete Confirmation Dialog.

Closing the Teacher Database Management Window

To close the Teacher Database Management window, the Scheduling Administrator clicks on the 'Done' button; this returns the Scheduling Administrator to his/her previous view.

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