2.5 Administrator Database Editing

This scenario demonstrates the process for creation/manipulation of data used by the auto-generation function of the Scheduler Tool. All operations in this section modify permanent database copies; per-quarter copies are cloned from permanent copies when generating a new schedule, and modified during the schedule-editing process.

Data Types

The System Administrator has the ability to manipulate three data sets:

*Note: The Teacher List also contains teacher directory information and preferences. Though the Scheduling Administrator may perform edits on any set of Teacher Preferences or directory information, this ability is intended for use on those preference sets which do not conform to university policies.
Complete details of Room List and Course List editing are discussed here. Discussion of teacher preference editing in this section is limited to the data used in the Teacher Directory. To see details on the modification of teacher course and time preferences, please refer to Section 2.6: Teacher Time/Course Preference Editing

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