2.6 Teacher Time/Course Preference Editing


The scenarios in this section show a teacher using the Teacher Application to interact with the university databases, which consists of:

This section describes the steps editing a teacher's Class Preference.  All preference values must range from 0 - 10 with 0 meaning not capable of teaching the class while 10 means loves to teach the class.  Notice that a 0 for any class preference value is a must achieve condition.

This section describes the process of logging into the server.  Notice that the Teacher application only requires the teacher to Login one time per session.  This is intended to save teachers time from logging in after every save they execute.

This section shows the steps to editing a teacher's Time Preference.  All preference values range from 0 - 10 with 0 meaning least available while 10 means very available.   

This sections shows the steps to editing the teacher's Personal Information.  Notice that all the fields are initially filled in with a description of what information should be inputted by the teacher. 

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