1.4. Impacts

The positive potential impacts of the Scheduler Tool are increased convenience and efficiency in managing teachers, classes, and classrooms, and in creating schedules for a department of a university.  Most specifically this tool should save significant amounts of time in creating a schedule by using the automatic schedule generator, and in transitioning information about courses, instructors, and classrooms from quarter to quarter.  This tool should also create a higher degree of fairness in scheduling to teacher preferences since teacher’s will be allowed to give a more detailed description of when, and what they would to teach, and because the application will create the schedule, thus reducing human influence.  This application should also be capable of creating a schedule which is better adapted to room preferences than the current methods of scheduling in the Computer Science department since it will take room availability into consideration while generating the schedule, not afterward.

Potential negative impacts include those common to any user-oriented software system. 

The positive impacts of the Scheduler Tool as a course example are

As a course example, the use of the Scheduler Tool has no significant negative impacts, unless its development methodology is considered weak or unrelated to the concepts being taught in a particular course. Such negative impacts can be easily avoided if instructors carefully examine the example before using it in a particular software engineering curriculum.

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