1.2. System Personnel

The personnel involved with the scheduler project are organized into the following groups:
            a. end users

            b. paying customers

            c. system developers

            d. system analysts

The system end users of the scheduling program are the people using the program to create the course schedule. Since our program will service the computer science department the system end user will be the head of the computer science department.

Realistically, there are no paying customers because it is public domain software belonging to the university. However, if we were a company the paying customers of the scheduling program will be the university. They will buy the program for the computer science department to use.


The system developer of the scheduling program is our professor, Gene Fisher. His efforts are based on the work of a number of software engineering students who have used the scheduler program as a class project in software engineering courses. The Scheduler Corp are also apart of the development.


The domain experts are Gene fisher and others that do scheduling in the department.


The system analysts of this program are the Scheduler Corp. This includes Adam Grenier, Idean Momtaheni, Chris Hanks, John Azevedo, and Eric Firestone. We will fully analyze the scheduler software and outsource to the CSC 206 students.

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