Browsing the Course Database

This scenario shows the Courses tab of databases. The database window has the following columns:

  1. Course Number
    Number for the course. This is a combination of the subject abbreviation and the course number.
  2. Course Title
    Title of the course.
  3. Type
    Indicates whether the course is a Lecture or lab.
  4. Max Enrollment
    Maximum number of students that can be enrolled in the course.
  5. WTU
    Work time units.
  6. SCU
    Student course units.
  7. Equipment
    List of equipment needed for the course.
  8. Description
    Additional description of the course.

The columns can be dragged and dropped along the column panel. By clicking on a specific column title, the records are sorted first in descending, and if clicked again, then sorted in ascending order. The database is shown in Figure 7.

Browsing Course Database
Figure 7. Courses database.

To filter and search records, refer to Filter/Search Room records. The options to filter course records by are all of the columns shown in the database.

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