Editing Question Properties

The instructor can edit the properties of any question by clicking the Edit Question Properties button placed below the question combo box.  The editing mode allows the instructor to either adjust a question's properties for a specific student or for the entire class.  After the adjuments have been entered, the OK button at the bottom finalizes any changes made by the instructor. The changes can be cancelled by clicking the Cancel button, or the fields can be reset with the Reset button.

Figure Edit Question Properties Window Drop Question

If the instructor feels that a question needs to be removed for any reason, the Drop Question option in Figure automatically readjusts the total points, class average, and individual score of all the students.   By clicking either radio button, the instructor has the option to either drop the question for that specific student or for the entire class.

Figure Drop Question Edit Answer
If the answer specified during question generation differs from the opinion of the instructor, in a text box the instructor can change the answer for that question and automatically readjust the score for this student or for all students by clicking the appropriate radio button as shown in Figure  For short response and fill-in-the-blank question types, the answer can be altered inside a text box with wrap around text.  For true/false and mulitple choice the answer can be altered by selecting the appropriate radio button.  For essay and programming questions the answer can be altered within a text box containing a scroll bar.

Figure Edit Answer Change Points Possible

In Figure, if the instructor determines that the question is more or less difficult than expected by the results of a class, the points possible can be changed.  By clicking inside the text box next to Points Possible, the instructor can enter a new point value.

Figure Change Points Possible Change Points Earned
In  if the instructor feels that the grade assigned through the tool's automatic grading (see 2.5.1 Automatic Grading) is not correct, they can enter a new point value in the text field displayed in Figure  This changes the points earned by the student for this question and automatically updates all statistics.

Figure Change Points Earned

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2.5.2. Manual Grading
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