2.1 User Interface Overview

There are two separate user interfaces in the Test Tool program. One interface is designed for the instructor and the other is designed for students. Within the Instructor Interface,  instructors have the ability to create tests, set up local and shared question banks, connect to shared question banks, administer tests to students, automatically grade tests, and make grades available to students. For more information regarding the Instructor Interface, refer to section 2.1.1 Teacher Interface.

A student uses the student interface to complete and submit tests. He can log on the interface using his Calpoly ID and password. If he is taking an in class test, the test appears automatically after logging on. If he is taking a take home or practice test, he must manually open the test after logging on. The student answers each question on a test and then submits it for grading. After submitting a test, he can retrieve a graded copy of his test when his instructor passes it back using the Instructor Interface. Refer to Test Menu in section TestsMenu to find out how an instructor passes back a graded test. The graded copy shows the graded test including instructor comments. Refer to section Grading Each Question Type for more details on graded questions. Refer to section Comments and Feedback for more information on  instructor feedback. The primary use of the student interface involves taking an in class test which is outlined later in 2.1.2 Student Interface.

2.1.1. Teacher Interface File Menu Edit Menu TestsMenu Question Menu Help Menu
2.1.2. Student Interface File Menu Edit Menu Test Menu

2. Functional Requirements
2.2. Test Generation