2.1.2. Student Interface

A student uses the student interface to take tests and view his graded tests. He can log on the interface using his Calpoly ID and password. If he is taking an in class test, the test appears automatically after logging on. If he is taking a take home or practice test, he must manually open the test after logging on. The student answers each question on a test and then submits it for grading. After submitting a test, he can retrieve a graded copy of his test when his instructor passes it back using the Instructor Interface. Refer to Test Menu in section 2.1.1 Teacher Interface to find out how an instructor passes back a graded test. The graded copy shows the test including all questions as graded and instructor comments. Refer to section Grading Each Question Type for more details on graded questions. Refer to section Comments and Feedback for more information on  instructor feedback. The primary use of the student interface involves taking an in class test which is outlined later in this section. File Menu
Clicking on the File menu displays five menu items labeled Open,Save, Save As, Close, and Exit as shown in Figure 2.1.2.i1. Clicking on the Open menu item will bring up a file open dialog interface as

Figure 2.1.2.i1: File Menu

shown in Figure 2.1.2.i2. The student opens a test file into the student interface by either clicking on the test file once and then clicking the Open button or double clicking on the test file. If a test file cannot be

Figure 2.1.2.i2: File Open Dialog Interface

opened, a prompt shown in Figure 2.1.2.i3 appears informing the student that the test could not be opened. For a visual of what a test looks like in the Test Tool program, refer to section 2.4.2 Taking a Test.

Figure 2.1.2.i3: File Open Error Prompt

Clicking on the Save menu item saves the changes, if any, to the currently displayed test in the student interface. Clicking on the Save As menu item brings up a file save dialog interface as shown in Figure 2.1.2.i4. Clicking the Save As button will save the

Figure 2.1.2.i4: File Save Dialog Interface

the currently displayed test as a new file with a unique name or as a replacement for an existing file with the same name as the existing file. The student is prompted as shown in Figure 2.1.2.i5 if saving the test will overwrite an existing test. The prompt gives the student the choice to proceed or cancel saving the test. Clicking on the Close menu

Figure 2.1.2.i5: Overwrite Existing File Prompt

closes the currently displayed test and allows the student interface to remain active. If there are any unsaved changes to the test when the student clicks the Close menu item, a prompt appears asking the student if he wants to save the changes made to the test before closing as shown in Figure 2.1.2.i6. Clicking the Exit menu item will close the student interface and exit the Test Tool program. If there are any

Figure 2.1.2.i6: Save Changes Prompt

unsaved changes to the currently displayed test remaining when the student clicks on the Exit menu item, a prompt will appear asking him if he wants to save the changes made to the test before exiting the student interface as shown in Figure 2.1.2.i7.

Figure 2.1.2.i7: Save Changes Prompt Edit Menu

Clicking on the Edit menu, four menu items appear: Undo, Cut, Copy, and Paste as shown in Figure 2.1.2.i8. When a student clicks on the Undo menu item, the test in the student interface is restored

Figure 2.1.2.i8: Edit Menu

to the state before the  most recent change.Using the cut menu option on a section of highlighted text will remove that text from its position and store it in the clipboard.A clipboard is a temporary storage location for all text that is being copied, cut and pasted. To restore what was cut out, clicking the Paste menu item will put the text currently in the clipboard back on the test in the location where the cursor is positioned. The Copy option works the same way as cut, except that the highlighted text is not removed from its position. Test Menu

In-Class Tests

When an instructor begins an in class test within the Test Administration Interface, an interface shown in Figure 2.1.2.i9 is displayed on the students screen. Refer to section

Figure 2.1.2.i9: Log On Interface

2.4.1 Administering A Test to learn more about the Test Administration Interface. There are two text fields presented within the interface: User Name and Password. A student first types in his login ID into the User Name text box, and types in his password into the Password text box. He clicks on the OK button and if the entered ID does not match a registered ID or if the entered password does not match the password corresponding to the ID, a prompt shown in Figure 2.1.2.i10 appears stating the input is incorrect. If a student decides to stop logging on,

Figure 2.1.2.i10: Log On Error Prompt

he clicks on the button labeled Cancel to exit the program. If his ID and password are verified, the Test Tool Log on interface will disappear and the actual in class test appears on the monitor screen used by the student's computer terminal. Refer to section 2.4.2 for more information on completing an in class test. When a student has completed an in class test and clicks the submit button, the in class test disappears and the student interface appears. The student can continue using the interface or exit the Test Tool program.

Out-of-Class Tests

If a student needs to take a test that is not in class, then he must follow a different set of steps to taking the test. First, he must retrieve the test either from blackboard or from the instructor's website by downloading the test to a computer terminal or any computer that can be used to run the Test Tool program off site. The student activates the Test Tool program and the Test Tool Log on interface appears on the monitor screen. He logs on the same way he would log on for an in class test and a new interface as shown in Figure 2.1.2.i11 titled Student Interface appears after the program verifies his ID and

Figure 2.1.2.i11: Student Interface

password. Initially, the student interface will appear as an empty interface with three menus: File, Edit, and Test. An empty interface is a state where no tests are displayed in the student interface. The student clicks on the Test menu and two menu items appear: Take Test and Check Grade as shown in Figure 2.1.2.i12. He clicks on the Take Test menu item and two more sub menu items are presented: Take Home and Practice as shown in Figure 2.1.2.i12. If the student needs to take a take home test, he clicks the Take Home sub menu item and the file open dialog interface as shown in Figure

Figure 2.1.2.i12: Take Test Menu

2.1.2.i2 will appear on the monitor screen in front of the student interface. The student browses to the location where the test file is stored and opens it in the student interface. If the take home test cannot be opened, the prompt shown in Figure 2.1.2.i3 appears informing the student that the test could not be opened. Once the test is opened, the student modifies the test with his answers as demonstrated in 2.4.2. The student can use the Undo, Cut,Copy, and Paste menu items of the Edit menu as shown in Figure 2.1.2.i8 to modify his test. When the student is done modifying his test, he submits his test for grading by clicking on the submit button. The student interface becomes an empty interface, and the student can continue using the interface or exit the program.

If a student wants to take a practice test, he retrieves the test from blackboard or his instructor's website by downloading the test to a computer terminal or any computer that can be used to run the Test Tool program off site. He clicks the Test menu, clicks the Take Test menu item, and clicks Practice sub menu item which brings up the same file open dialog interface as shown in Figure 2.1.2.i2. The student opens the practice test into the student interface. If the practice test cannot be opened, the prompt shown in Figure 2.1.2.i3 appears informing the student that the practice test could not be opened. The student modifies the test file with his answers, and submits the practice test by clicking on the check grade button. The check grade button appears in place of the submit button if the practice test can be automatically graded by the Test Tool. Refer to section 2.5.1 Automatic Grading to find out how a  test can be automatically graded by the Test Tool.

Students should know that only one test can be displayed in the student interface at a time. If a student is taking an in class test, no other in class, take home, or practice tests may be opened until the currently displayed in class test is submitted. Similarly if he is taking a take home test, no other tests may be opened until the currently displayed take home test is closed.This is to prevent a student from opening another test and copying the answers.

Graded Tests

If a student wants to view a graded test, he clicks the Test menu and clicks on the Check Grade menu item as shown in Figure 2.1.2.i13. Clicking the Check Grade menu item brings up a dialog box

Figure 2.1.2.i13: Check Grade Menu

inside the student interface with the title Graded Test Location as shown in Figure 2.1.2.i14. A dialog box is an interface inside of the student interface. The student types in a unique network identifier that

Figure 2.1.2.i14: Graded Test Location Dialog Box

represents the location for his graded test. A unique network identifier could be an IP address or even a machine name.Clicking the Clear button will erase the current address typed in the Location text field, and clicking the Cancel button will close the Graded Test Location interface and return the student to the student interface.Clicking OK will establish a connection to the specified loaction and retrieve the graded test  If the graded test cannot be opened or the location cannot be found, the prompt shown in Figure 2.1.2.i3 will appear informing the student that the graded test could not be opened.Refer to section  for details on graded questions and section  for information on  instructor feedback. The student can save a copy of his graded test using the Save As menu item under the File menu.

2.1.1. Teacher Interface

2.1. User Interface Overview