1.2. System Personnel

    The groups and sub-groups involved in the Test Taker Project include the following:

        a. end users

            i. test taker

            ii. test grader

            iii. test proctor

            iiii. test maker

        b. system developers

        c. outside parties

    Test takers have access to posted test which can be taken remotely and graded electronically. The user who creates and posts the test for the test takers is the test maker. This user has control over the content and question specific layout of the test. Any registered student can take the test of a specific test maker, but only test makers can post test results or edit the test itself. Test proctors are basic users who simply administer tests in a controlled environment to a specific class of students.

    Another Test Tool user is the Test Grader. This user processes and grades the turned in test from a class of students. He can make corrections, notes or insert explanations onto any individual test. He can also choose to grade tests automatically with the grader program.

    The primary system developer is the Test Tool Team. The students directly involved in the project are; Casey Klein, Karla Jacobsen, Jonathan Kees, Tyson Tate, Brian Gautrey and George Polivka.

    The Test Taker Tool is designed to serve as an example for use in software engineering courses. The students who use the Test Taker Tool is available as public domain software for use by outside parties. The project directory is located at http://www.csc.calpoly.edu/~gfisher/projects/testtaker.

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