Adding True/False

This scenario shows a teacher adding a True/False question to the question database. In this scenario, we will assume the user is a teacher who has opened the Test Tool, and has not entered any questions in the question database. The teacher has an empty question database.

To add a question to the database, the teacher selects the 'Add Question' command in the 'Repository' menu as shown in Figure 1. In response, the system displays the dialog shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1


Figure 2

The teacher chooses the "True/False" 'Question Type' as shown by Figure 4. The "True/False" answer consists of two radio buttons, one designating 'True', and the other one 'False'.


Figure 4

The teacher fills in the information by a combination of typing and selecting from pre-defined choices in Figure 5. The teacher chooses the "CSC 101" 'Class'. Then the teacher chooses a 'Length', 'Keywords', 'Date last used', 'Difficulty' and 'Class Week'. The teacher enters question text in the 'Question' field. Then, the teacher decides that the answer is 'True' and clicks the radio button next to 'True'. The system then fills in that radio button. Finally, the teacher clicks 'OK' and the system adds the question to the question database.

Figure 5



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