2.6 Details of File Commands

The scenarios for this section cover full details of file-related commands, most of which is introduce in section 2.1.1. There is only one file comand menus to be covered, because only the instructors application has a file menu. For more detail on testtaking go to section 2.4 for more detail.

The following File commands are:

2.6.1 Creating new test and Opening test

The commands File->New and File->Open have to deal with test creations. When a user wants to create a test they would go File->New if they wanted to start making a test from scratch. The New has a sub-menu that gives the user the ability to either create a Blank Test or a Auto generated test. These two options are located within File->New. Open allows the user to open a previouse test to either use or edit. The test that the user can open have to be a specified type.

2.6.2 Close

The File->Close allows the user to close the current test they are working on.

2.6.3 Save and Save As..

The 'File->Save' and 'File->Save As..' commands both give the user to save their current work to file. The difference between Save and Save As is that Save saves the current work to the existing file name that the user provide. This is only true if the user already saved the file atleast once. Save As always ask you for a name and place to save the file. Save is the same as Save As when the file has not been saved once yet.

2.6.4 Print Preview

The 'File->Print Preview' allows the user to see the current test they are working on in a print view settiing. This command allows the user to see the thing they want to print in a view that shows how it is printed. Print Preview is high suggested to be used always before printing anything.

2.6.5 Print

The 'File->Print' allows the user to print out to a printer. When this command is choosen they are taken to their printing options.

2.6.6 Releasing a test

The 'File->Release' command allows the user to release a test to a specified server. The point of this test tool is to allow the user to create test and then release it to a server where the student can take a test on a preconfigured machine. The process of how a test gets released are covered in section 2.2.3.