Adding a Selected Question

This advanced scenario shows an instructor adding a question to a test from the question database. This tutorial assumes the question database has been populated with questions, described in Section 2.2. To begin, the user must select a question in the question database window. Figure below shows the question database with a question selected. The user may select a question simply by clicking on it with a mouse.

Figure Selected Question in the Question Database.

In the figure above, the user has selected the True/False question in the question database. Now, the user may click on the 'Add Selected to Test' button to add the question to the test. This function will work when adding a question to a blank test, or to a test that has already been populated. In the case of adding a question to an existing test, the newly added question will be placed at the bottom of the test. Once a question is added to a test, the system will respond with the test preview window with the selected question added. Figure below shows the test window with the True/False question added to it.

Figure Selected Question Added to the Test.

At this point the user may continue adding questions from the question database to the test. Also, the user may select more than one question in the database to be added to the test. For example, Figure below shows the question database with multiple questions selected.

Figure Multiple Questions Selected in the Database.

Now the user may select the 'Add Selected to Test' button, and each selected question will be added to the test. However, each question will be assigned an arbitrary position in the test when first added. Section shows how a question's number may be changed when in a test. Figure below shows the test window with the newly added questions.

Figure Multiple Questions Added to a Test.

The figure shows how multiple questions are added to the test. For a tutorial on how to remove a question from a test, refer to Section

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