virtual void | init (GLFWwindow *window) |
virtual void | process (Scene &scene) |
virtual void | processEntity (Scene &scene, const MVPset &MVP, Entity *entity, Program *shader=nullptr) |
virtual void | processPanels (Scene &scene, vector< unsigned int > alphaMaps, unsigned int panelOutline, int frameCount) |
virtual void | processEntityPanels (Scene &scene, const MVPset &MVP, Entity *entity, int alphaMapIdx, Program *shader=nullptr) |
virtual glm::ivec2 | getRenderDimensions () const |
virtual void | setPanelParams (int alphaMapIdx) |
virtual void | drawPigSpider (Scene &scene, const MVPset &MVP, Entity *entity, int i) |
virtual void | processPigSpider (Scene &scene, const MVPset &MVP, Entity *entity, int i) |
virtual void | enableIgnoreGloballyIlluminated () |
virtual void | disableIgnoreGloballyIlluminated () |
static Render_System & | getInstance () |
static Pose | getFinalWorldPose (Entity *entity) |
static void | drawAxes (MVPset MVP) |
static void | drawAxes (const Pose &pose, const glm::mat4 &V, const glm::mat4 &P) |
static void | changeViewport (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) |
static void | onResize (GLFWwindow *window, int width, int height) |
static int | getWidth () |
static int | getHeight () |
GLFWwindow * | _mWindow = nullptr |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- /home/kjyager/Code/projects/GI_merge/src/systems/RenderSystem.hpp
- /home/kjyager/Code/projects/GI_merge/src/systems/RenderSystem.cpp
- /home/kjyager/Code/projects/GI_merge/src/systems/RenderSystem_Panel.cpp