Quiz 11 Available

This is the last quiz for the 480-F10 class. It is optional, and intended as a make-up opportunity in case you performed less than optimal during one of the earlier ones. The quiz will be available until Tue, Dec. 7, 7:00 pm, and has a time limit of one hour. As with the other quizzes, you may consult the textbook, lecture notes or other relevant material, but not other students or human agents. The use of computer-based agents for help with the answers is only permitted if you developed those agents yourself. 


Consolidated Links to Feedback Forms

I’ve put all the links to the feedback forms for the end of the quarter on one Class Feedback page

Wumpus Environment Questionnaire

If you haven't done so, please provide feedback on the environment to the team of students who will work on an improved version.

Quiz 10 Available

The last quiz (except for the make-up one) is now available on Blackboard, until 11:55 pm tomorrow night. There is a time limit of one hour.
The topic is learning.

Class Feedback Form Available

Google graciously let me use the Google Docs Web site again, so here’s the form for feedback on the class, see https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHJwc2pZaGROaVUtdFBTSWNzM0xtVWc6MA. Participation is voluntary and anonymous, and my intention is to use this information to adjust aspects like class content, the way the content is presented, project topics and organization, guest speakers, etc.

A2 Grades on Blackboard

The grades for A2 for those of you who demonstrated their Wumpus agent to Emily are now available on Blackboard. If you have 14 or less points on A2 it means you did the first part but didn't demo it to Emily. If you want this graded, please re-submit it through Blackboard. It looks like something went wrong with Blackboard’s submission feature - it doesn’t have any submissions for this assignment.

Final Team Presentation Evaluation

Please use the form at https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dGFvcmt1UVdJaWc4MVFkdnUyemEtMkE6MA#gid=0 to give me feedback on the final presentations of the teams. You can either submit multiple individual forms (e.g. each member does his/her own evaluation) for one team being evaluated, or coordinate the evaluation of the team among your team members, and submit only one form.

End of quarter feedback on team work

Similar to the one a few weeks ago, I’m collecting feedback on your team members through the form at https://spreadsheets2.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dGwyc1hDM0RsOFprX081Zlp0WllJSHc6MA#gid=0 . This time, the collective feedback here will also affect your team score, albeit to a moderate degree (most students usually get scores around 16-18 out of 20 for this).

Class Participation Questionnaire

Please go to the Web form at https://spreadsheets1.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHBKN3RpYUw5S3NUMVFDQmhOV1Z5d1E6MA to give me information on your participation in activities related to this class. This is mostly about lecture, labs, and Blackboard, but you can also mention other relevant ones like guest lectures. I may use this information to adjust my score for the class participation.