A1 Web Form Submission Cancelled

I didn’t get around to prepare the Web form for the A* assignment. So it’s not necessary for you to submit this. I may collect some related information later (e.g. perceived difficulty and usefulness, and the time you spent), but this won’t be part of the score.

Quiz Week 5

The quiz for this week will be available on Thursday from 9:30 to 10:30 for the first section, and from 4:30 - 5:30 pm for the afternoon section.
It will cover “Informed Search Methods”; see the
schedule for mappings to the text book and the slides. The topic “Local Search and Constraint Satisfaction will be on next week’s quiz.

Lab 5 Available

The lab for Week 5 is now available.

Grades for Project Week 2, AI Nuggets on Blackboard

I’ve uploaded the grades for the Project Week 2 Milestones, and the partial AI Nugget grades. Many of you don’t have their AI Nugget abstract on the Blackboard wiki (or only a blank placeholder page). In that case your score will be very low, somewhere in the low single digits. For those who have already given their presentation, your score should be higher than 80. If not, something is missing, most likely the copy of the presentation material. Please post this on the Blackboard wiki and let me know if you want me to re-evaluate your score.

Milestone Week 2 Feedback Posted

I’ve posted the feedback for the Week 2 Milestone documents on the TRAC wikis for the respective projects. I’ve added a PDF file as an attachment to the Milestone Week 2 document (or whichever document contains the respective information). Most teams should revise their documents, but the fixes shouldn’t be too difficult to do. Please let me know if you want me to re-evaluate your document, and point out the main changes you’ve made. Of course we can also discuss this during the lab time.

Lab 4 Submission Form Corrected

The submission form for Lab 4 (AI Characters) contained a few copy and paste errors; they are fixed now. My intention was to ask similar questions as for the chatbot lab at the beginning of the quarter. It looks like I got interrupted when I made the revisions, and forgot to complete them ...
If you’ve already submitted the answers, that’s fine - no need to resubmit them.