
End of quarter feedback on team work

Similar to the one a few weeks ago, I’m collecting feedback on your team members through the form at . This time, the collective feedback here will also affect your team score, albeit to a moderate degree (most students usually get scores around 16-18 out of 20 for this).

480 Grading Update - AI Nuggets, Quizzes, Project

I’ve done more grading of the AI Nugget presentations, and I believe the scores should be up to date now. Of course there are still a few presentations to be done ...
There are still some issues with quizzes that I need do look into; they are in my queue.

The project scores are up to date until Week 6 for most teams, and I’ll look at the Week 8 documents on Wednesday.

Project Week 6, AI Nugget Scores on Blackboard

I’ve updated Blackboard with the scores for the Week 6 Milestones and the AI Nugget presentations.

Milestone Week 6 Feedback

The feedback for the Week 6 Milestone documents is now on the TRAC wikis for the respective projects. The scope, as with the previous ones, ranges from non-existent to excellent. You can revise your document, but you need to let me know if you’ve made changes relevant to this milestone.

Project Evaluation Templates

I did some re-arranging of the project description, and it looks like the connection to what I expect in the milestone documents has been washed out quite a bit. My goal was to move away from a tightly synchronized schedule for all teams to a more flexible one where each team could move around certain parts of their documentation according to their needs. I'm still planning to do this, but I'll revise the project description material. For now, I've put the evaluation forms that I'll be using for the rest of the milestones (Weeks 6, 8, 10)on my Web page at . Feel free to use these as a guideline for your documentation. 

Milestone Week 4 Feedback

I’ve posted the feedback for the Week 4 Milestone documents on the TRAC wikis for the respective projects. As with the previous one, quite a few teams have significant gaps in their documentation, and received a low score. You can revise your document, but you need to let me know if you’ve made changes relevant to this milestone.

Feedback on Team Work

Around the midpoint of the quarter, I’d like to check if all the teams are doing well in terms of collaboration and work distribution. Please go to the Team Feedback form for this. The mid-quarter version mostly helps me to determine if there are problems with teams. We’ll do another one at the end of the quarter, and the collective feedback from that one will also affect your team score, albeit to a moderate degree (most students usually get scores around 16-18 out of 20 for this).

Evaluation Teams Assigned

In today’s lab sessions, we assigned an evaluation team for each project. Go to the page with the assignments, look for your team number in the column on the right, and then do the evaluation of the team that is listed on the left. Put the evaluation on the wiki for your own project by creating a new Wiki page called “Evaluations”. An easy way to do this is to put a link to the new page on one of the existing pages via [wiki:Evaluations Evaluations]. From there, you can link to the individual evaluations of the milestones. The deadline for the evaluations is one week after the milestones are due. However, evaluation teams won’t be penalized if documents by the development team are not made available on time.

Draft Project Template Available

The first version of the project template is available now. Please use it as a blueprint for the project Wiki in your team.