
Robocode AdvancedRobot

I had a quick look at the robocode.AdvancedRobot class, and it's fine to use it. It " ... allows non-blocking calls, custom events, and writes to the filesystem." In general, you need to write your own AI component of the bot. Of course you can look at strategies others have used, but you should not use other people's code. 

Wumpus World Source Code

Since I’ve made the source code available on an informal basis, I’ve put it on the Blackboard “Course Material” section under “A2: Reasoning in the Wumpus World”.

A2 Deadline pushed back to Tue, Nov. 9

Since we're about a week behind with the lecture schedule, there's only a very short time for you to do the Wumpus World assignment after we discussed the respective material in class. So I'm pushing back the deadline for A2 from Thu, Nov. 4, to Tue, Nov. 9. 

A1 Web Form Submission Cancelled

I didn’t get around to prepare the Web form for the A* assignment. So it’s not necessary for you to submit this. I may collect some related information later (e.g. perceived difficulty and usefulness, and the time you spent), but this won’t be part of the score.

A 1 Available

I’ve made the first assignment available; it is a continuation of the lab with the search algorithms, expanding it to the uniform-cost, greedy, and A* algorithms. Still missing is the link to the Google Web form, I’ll add that soon.