CSC 309 Lecture Notes Week 2
General Design Principles and
High-Level Design Patterns
Details of Specification-to-Design Refinement

  1. Milestone and other Java examples:

    1. For an example of Milestone 2, the derived model design and stubbed model implementation, see

    2. For miscellaneous Java coding examples relevant to 309 projects, see

  2. What is design?

    1. In a word, design is an abstraction of the implementation.

      1. The idea of abstraction is that things get left out.

      2. The simplest definition of what implementation-level detail gets left out of the design is the sequential code bodies of methods.

      3. This by itself is an over simplification of the design process.

      4. There are several levels of design abstraction, each one leaving out more information.

    2. The levels of design abstraction from highest to lowest can be broken down as follows:

      1. Packaging Design

        1. The highest level of architectural design abstracts out everything but the largest modular units, which in Java design terminology are the packages.

        2. We give names to the packages, describe them, and discuss abstract communication and dependencies between them.

        3. We define the separate executable components of the program, including separate application programs and servers.

      2. Abstract Class Design

        1. Classes are added as components of the packages.

        2. We name and describe the classes but do not define their contents or inheritance relationships.

      3. Mid-Level Class Design

        1. We add methods and data fields to classes.

        2. We name and describe the methods and fields, but do not define method signatures or concrete data representations for the fields.

        3. We define inheritance relationships among classes.

      4. Detailed Class Design

        1. We add full input/output signatures to methods.

        2. We select concrete data representations for data fields.

      5. Functional Design

        1. We add pre- and postconditions to all methods.

        2. We define control flow among methods using function diagrams or equivalent notation.

    3. At any and all of these levels, we can apply suitable design techniques (a.k.a., design patterns), when and if such patterns exist.

    4. For us, we're going to start with the following two patterns, the one of which is quite general and widely used, the second of which is rather specific to our particular kind of software.

      1. The "Model/View/Process" pattern, addressing design abstraction levels 2 through 5.

      2. The "Information Processing Tool" pattern, addressing design abstraction level 1.

  3. What is a design pattern?

    1. The building architect Christopher Alexander defined a design pattern as follows:
      "Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use the solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice."

    2. This same concept applies to software as well as it does to buildings, with appropriate change in notation.

    3. For software, the notation is software design diagrams, templates of software code, and step-by-step descriptions of pattern application.

  4. The MVP pattern

    1. The Model/View/Process (MVP) pattern is used to separate the core processing of an application from the concrete GUI and underlying support processing.

      1. The Model is the part of the design that is directly traceable to the abstract specification, representing the core processing.

      2. The View consists of concrete GUI processing

      3. The Process is the underlying support processing that provides the functionality needed by the model to get the work done efficiently.

      Figure 1: MVP Pattern.

    2. There is a direct correspondence between each model class and one or more companion view classes.

      1. Typically, there is a standard, or canonical view class that presents a complete interface from the model to the user.

      2. There may be additional auxiliary views that show selected portions a model, presented in ways that are helpful to the user.

      3. In all cases, both model and view classes are always directly traceable to the requirements specification.

    3. Figure 1 is a general diagram of MVP.

      1. The figure shows the data members and methods for the abstract Model and View classes.

      2. For 309, these classes are defined in the 309 Java class library.

  5. The "Info Processing Tool" pattern.

    1. This pattern is used to layout the high-level packaging of a software application.

    2. It is used in conjunction with both the Derive-from-Spec and MVP patterns.

    3. The pattern applies to the of the kind of applications we are building in 309.

      1. These are programs that perform a specific set of information-processing tasks, under the continued direction of a human user.

      2. The the application uses a graphical user interface of the form that has become common in computer operating environments, with a menu-based and/or toolbar- based top-level UI.

    4. In this pattern, each major functional grouping is organized into a pair of packages, one for model classes, the other for view classes.

      1. These functional packages are contained in a top-level package that houses the top-level model class for the tool itself, as well a Main class that contains the top-level main method.

      2. A top-level view package contains the top-level view classes for the tool, typically a menubar and zero or more main tool windows.

      3. Figure 2 is a high-level diagram of the pattern.

        Figure 2: IPT pattern.

    5. When applied in conjunction with the Derive-from-Spec pattern:

      1. Each functional model package is derived from a specification module.

      2. The view packages and the top-level application package are new to the design.

    6. Overall, this pattern uses information from the following sources:

      1. The organization of the end-user requirements scenarios, in which each major section of the scenarios is a candidate for a package in the design.

      2. The organization of the top-level GUI, in which each major unit in the UI is a candidate for a package in the design; "major units" of the UI include pulldown menus, free-floating toolbars, other well-delineated components of the interface.

      3. Modular organization of the SpecL model, in which each module (or separate .sl file) is a candidate for a package in the design.

  6. Applying the patterns to the Calendar Tool example from CSC 308.

    1. Last quarter we looked at the requirements specification for a Calendar Tool application that is similar in size and scope to your 308/309 projects.

    2. We'll continue this quarter with the design and implementation of the Calendar Tool.

  7. Applying the Derive-from-Spec and Info-Processing-Tool patterns to derive CalendarTool packages.

    1. There are seven SpecL modules in the Calendar Tool specification, one for each of the six functional command categories (as shown on the pulldown menu), and one for the underlying calendar database:

      1. File -- file command processing

      2. Edit -- edit command processing

      3. Schedule -- calendar item scheduling

      4. View -- viewing calendars and lists

      5. Admin -- managing the user and group databases

      6. Options -- managing user options

      7. CalDB -- the calendar database for all registered users

      8. Server -- the host server and communication handlers

    2. Applying the derivation pattern, we get seven model packages for these.

    3. Applying the IP tool pattern, we add a top-level tool package, and companion view packages for each model

    4. A diagram is shown in Figure 3.

      Figure 3: Calendar Tool packages.

    5. It is noteworthy that there are no companion UI packages for the CalDB and Server packages; these are processing packages that have no direct user interface.

    6. A derived version of the top-level tool class is the following, which is defined in the file implementation/source/java/caltool/
      package caltool.model;
      import caltool.view.*;
      import caltool.model.file.*;
      import caltool.model.edit.*;
      import caltool.model.schedule.*;
      import caltool.model.view.*;
      import caltool.model.admin.*;
      import caltool.model.options.*;
      import caltool.model.caldb.*;
      import mvp.Model;
       * Class CalendarTool is the top-level model class for the regular-user
       * Calendar Tool program.  CalendarTool has references to the functional model
       * classes of the tool: File, Edit, Schedule, View, Admin, Options, and Help.
       * There is also a reference to the CalendarDB class that houses the tool's
       * major data bases.
       *                                                                          <p>
       * Functionalitywise, all of the model classes are autonomous units.  They each
       * do their own work as invoked by the user.  All that this top-level class
       * does is to construct the work-doing model classes and set up the initial
       * state of the tool when it is invoked from the outside operating system.
       *                                                                          <p>
       * See also the companion view class <a href= "caltool_ui/CalendarToolUI.html">
       * CalendarToolUI. </a>
       *                                                                          <p>
       * @author Gene Fisher (
       * @version 12Nov13
      public class CalendarTool extends Model {
           * Construct this with the given companion view.  Call the submodel
           * constructors.  Initialize the start-up state based on default options
           * and command-line arguments.
          public CalendarTool(CalendarToolUI calToolUI) {
               * Call the parent constructor.
               * Construct and store the submodel instances.  Note that the
               * CalendarDB is constructed before the File so the latter can observe
               * the former for changes.
              caldb = new CalendarDB(null);
              file = new File(null, caldb);
              edit = new Edit(null);
              schedule  = new Schedule(null, caldb);
              calView = new View(null, caldb);
              admin = new Admin(null);
              options = new Options(null);
               * Set up the initial state of the tool.
           * Implement the exit method to pass the buck to file.exit().  Per set up
           * performed in the companion CalendarToolUI view, this method is called
           * when the user closes the top-level menubar window, e.g., via the window
           * manager close button.
          public void exit() {
          /** Return the File model. */
          public File getFile() { return file; }
          /** Return the Edit model. */
          public Edit getEdit() { return edit; }
          /** Return the Schedule model. */
          public Schedule getSchedule() { return schedule; }
          /** Return the View model. */
          public View getCalView() { return calView; }
          /** Return the Admin model. */
          public Admin getAdmin() { return admin; }
          /** Return the Options model. */
          public Options getOptions() { return options; }
          /** Return the Help model. */
          public Help getHelp() { return help; }
           * Protected methods
           * Set up the initial state of the tool, based on default option values and
           * command-line arguments, if any.  Details TBD.
          void initialize() {}
           * Data fields
          /** File-handling module */
          protected File file;
          /** Basic editing module */
          protected Edit edit;
          /** Scheduling module */
          protected Schedule schedule;
          /** Calendar viewing module */
          protected View calView;
          /** Calendar administration module */
          protected Admin admin;
          /** Tool options module */
          protected Options options;
          /** Tool help module */
          protected Help help;
          /** Calendar database */
          protected CalendarDB caldb;

  8. Class diagram for derived Calendar design.

    1. Figure 4 shows a class diagram for the key classes in the design of the Milestone 2 example.

      Figure 4: Class diagram for Calendar Tool design in Notes 2.

      1. As noted above, the design and implementation for the 309 Milestone 2 example are at

      2. The abstract model from which the design is derived is introduced the 308 Milestone 6 example at

      3. The prototype from which the GUI design is derived is introduced in the 308 Milestone 8 example at

    2. In the 309 design, the CalendarTool and its seven components do not trace directly to the abstract Java model spec from 308.

      1. This is because the spec abstracted out physical details of tool structure.

      2. So, the top-level tool structure is based on the IPT design pattern.

    3. The methods of the Schedule class are a refinement of the abstract specification, with added information hiding.

    4. The components of the CalendarDB do trace directly to the spec, since these represent structure that was deemed directly visible at the abstract spec level.

  9. Observations and further details about the Milestone 2 design example.


      1. Traceability to spec is quite direct.

      2. This is managerial-style class, as opposed to a data abstraction.

        1. It contains references to other major model classes which are themselves data abstractions.

        2. CalendarDB has contains no traceable methods.

      3. As with other directly traceable classes, the top-level class comment is derived directly from description in the CalendarDB abstract model

        1. When the spec object descriptions are complete and well-written, use the text directly.

        2. When the descriptions are missing or incomplete, (re)write an appropriately descriptive text.

        3. In either case, class comments must be enhanced with additional information, as described in the 309 SOP Volume 2 on Java design and implementation conventions.

      4. The derived data fields of class CalendarDB trace directly to the CalendarDB spec object, including the comments.


      1. Class does not trace to a spec object, but is rather a managerial class designed to hold methods that trace to spec operations.

        1. In general, the abstract model spec does not always define objects for the top- level functional groupings that correspond to the command pulldown menus.

        2. This in an example of where the functionally-oriented abstract spec requires some refinement when translated to an object-oriented concrete program.

          1. In particular, methods that are in the Schedule class, were originally defined in the abstract model's Calendar class.

          2. In the concrete design, there are two levels of refinement for the calendar: a Schedule class that contains the user-level calendar operations, and a UserCalendar class that contains lower-level implementations of the calendar operations.

          3. The user-level methods communicate with the view, and perform data validation.

          4. The lower-level methods encapsulate the concrete data structure for the calendar, and provide an efficient implementation.


      1. This class traces quite directly to the corresponding abstract model ScheduledItem object.

    4.,,, and

      1. These classes also trace quite directly to their corresponding abstract model objects.

      2. Note that the inheritance relationships among the abstract objects are retained in the derived Java classes.


      1. Date is a straightforward translation of its abstract model object.

      2. As the model is refined, this class will likely be replaced with a date representation from the Java library.

  10. Practical matter for your team's Milestone 2 deliverables --
    What to do if the abstract model specification is incomplete or inconsistent.

    1. The abstract model specification was originally derived from the HTML requirements.

    2. 309 Lecture Notes Week 2 outlines the requirements-to-specification derivation process, and details are in 308 notes weeks 4 and 5.

    3. When 308 the abstract model is incomplete or inconsistent with respect to the requirements, you must do the derivation of the design directly from the requirements.

    4. When the 308 prototype is incomplete or inconsistent with respect to the requirements and model, you must update the GUI design and implementation accordingly.

  11. Recap of Java library classes.

    1. We discussed the use of Java packages for modeling in 308 lecture notes 6 and 7.

    2. When it comes time to refine the abstract data derived from the spec, you should get into the "library habit".

      1. In using a language like Java with an extensive library, you'll` design by relying heavily on the library components.

      2. Your first thought for data refinement should be "I'll go look in the library" rather than "I'll figure out how to implement it myself."

    3. We discussed the use of Java GUI packages in 308 lecture notes 8.

    4. The following are key packages you'll be using the design and implementation work of 309:

      1. java.lang -- the fundamental Java language package, with classes such as Object, String, and System.

      2. java.util -- the higher-level Java language package, including the collection classes, date/time classes, and others.

      3. -- file input/output and related processing.

      4. javax.swing -- the high-level GUI toolkit package, with classes for basic and advanced GUI elements.

      5. java.awt -- the abstract windowing toolkit package, with lower-level GUI processing features to support the Swing package.

    5. These packages contain data structure and GUI classes that you will use in your CSC 309 design and implementation work.

      1. The classes and interfaces provided by these packages are summarized in the UML diagrams that follow.

      2. We'll see concrete examples of their use in upcoming lectures.

      3. This week we'll focus on an introduction to the GUI classes in the swing and awt packages.

  12. Package javax.swing -- high- level GUI support.
    The classes and subpackages include the following:

    1. Classes:
      • Box -- a simple way to layout GUI components.
      • ButtonGroup -- for grouping buttons, particular radio buttons.
      • JButton -- a standard command button; used all over the place.
      • JCheckBox -- a typical on/off check box.
      • JCheckBoxMenuItem -- a menu itme with a check box next to it.
      • JColorChooser -- a standard-looking color selection dialog.
      • JComboBox -- a pulldown that allows typing too.
      • JComponent -- the top-level of the Swing component hierarchy.
      • JDialog -- a handy pop-up dialog.
      • JEditorPane -- a way to view and edit text, in particular HTML.
      • JFileChooser -- a standard-looking file chooser.
      • JFrame -- the outermost container for a GUI window.
      • JLabel -- a simple piece of text within a GUI.
      • JLayeredPane -- a way to layer GUI frames in a 3D stack.
      • JList -- a list of GUI components, typically with a scroll bar.
      • JMenu -- a pulldown or pop-up menu.
      • JMenuBar -- a standard menubar, typically at the top of a JFrame.
      • JMenuItem -- an item in a JMenu.
      • JOptionPane -- a parent class for a set of standard option dialogs.
      • JPanel -- Typically the inner-wrapper of a JFrame, for managing GUI layout.
      • JPasswordField -- a way to enter passwords without echoing.
      • JProgressBar -- a typical-looking "throbber"
      • JRadioButton -- a typical-looking radio button
      • JScrollBar -- horizontal or vertical scrollbar, typically in a JScrollPane.
      • JSeparator -- spacing in a menu.
      • JSlider -- typical-looking slider, typically for numeric input.
      • JTabbedPane -- tabbing pane for organizing things like preferences.
      • JTable -- a two-dimensional table, with many display options.
      • JTextArea -- a simple, unformatted multi-line text area.
      • JTextField -- a single-line text field.
      • JToggleButton -- an on/off button.
      • JToolBar -- a container for buttons that select other tools.
      • JToolTip -- roll-over help for tool buttons or menu items.
      • JTree -- a hierarchical tree display, in a Windows Explorer style.

    2. Subpackages:
      • javax.swing.colorchooser -- color chooser support classes
      • javax.swing.event -- low-level classes representing GUI events
      • javax.swing.filechooser -- file chooser support classes
      • javax.swing.table -- JTable support classes
      • javax.swing.text -- text display and editing support classes
      • javax.swing.text.html -- HTML support (there is also XML support)
      • javax.swing.text.html.parser -- low-level HTML support
      • javax.swing.tree -- JTree support classes
      • javax.swing.undo -- simple undo/redo support

  13. Package java.awt -- lower- level GUI support.
    The classes and interfaces include the following:

  14. Designing GUIs with swing components.

    1. The list of the Java swing components given above are those that you are most likely to use in the GUI interfaces to your CSC 309 projects.

    2. Figure 5 shows an annotated version of a typical menubar and its menus, indicating which swing components are used for which pieces.

      Figure 5: Annotated menus showing swing components used.

    3. Figure 6 shows an annotated version of a typical editing dialog indicating which swing components are used for which pieces.

      Figure 6: Annotated dialog showing swing components used.

    4. Figure 7 shows an annotated version of the editing dialog showing how components are laid out using Swing Boxes; layout can also be done using GradBags and other forms of layout managers, , but I find these much more tedious than simple Boxes.

      Figure 7: Annotated dialog showing layout using boxes.

  15. View class naming conventions.

    1. A standard set of name suffixes is used for view classes in the 309 examples.

    2. These are classes that inherit from mvp.View.

    3. The suffixes indicate the general usage of a view class, as follows:

      Suffix Example Meaning
      UI ScheduleUI A top-level view that contains all of the interface components for a companion top-level model. These components are the pulldown command menu and all of the other views that are launched from menu commands.
      Dialog ScheduleAppointmentDialog A top-level view that allows the user to provide inputs for a single operation. Typically it has OK, Cancel, and Clear buttons. The OK button is used to confirm the operation for which the user is entering the input.
      Editor CategoriesEditor A top-level view that provides for the editing Has more command buttons than just OK, e.g., Add, Delete.
      Display MonthlyAgendaDisplay A read-only display, i.e., where no model data are editable.
      ButtonListener OKScheduleAppointmentButtonListener An event listener for a button or menu item.
      Panel SchedulingOptionsPanel The internal component of a tiled or tabbed layout.

  16. Coordination of Model and View classes in a high-level design.

    1. Based on the design patterns we've been discussing, there is a parallel decomposition of Model and View classes in a high-level design.

      1. The library Model and View classes are at the top of the inheritance hierarchy.

      2. Tool-specific model and view classes inherit from these.

    2. To ensure traceability, the high-level class decomposition in the design should be structurally the same as what we called the functional hierarchy in the requirements specification.

      1. At the spec level, the functional hierarchy was embodied in two forms.

        1. For the end user, the high-level UI organization of pulldown menus and dialogs embodies the functional hierarchy.

        2. In the formal JML spec, the package and object structure embodies the functional hierarchy.

      2. When we move to the design level, this very same functional hierarchy should be embodied in the package and class structure.

    3. The most important issue here is that functional hierarchy makes sense.

      1. The physical embodiments of it are just different views of the same abstract organization.

      2. If the requirements- or specification-level embodiments don't make sense or are inconsistent, then this should be fixed in the design-level.

      3. If we had the time, we'd go back and fix both the requirements and specification to agree with the design.

      4. Since we don't have the time to do this in 309, we describe in the SCOs what changes have been made to the design-level hierarchy with respect to the requirements and specification.

  17. Example of high-level Model/View class diagram (see Figure 8).

    Figure 8: High-level Model/View class diagram.

    1. The abstract Model and View classes are the root of the model/view inheritance hierarchy.

    2. Inheriting from these are the top-level model and view classes for a particular application tool, in this case CalendarTool and CalendarToolUI.

    3. These top-level tool classes in turn have components that are submodels and subviews, decomposed following the tool's functional hierarchy.

    4. Submodels and subviews also inherit from the abstract Model and View classes, since submodel and subview instances communicate directly with one another using the model/view pattern.

  18. Example of high-level Model/View function diagram (see Figure 9).

    Figure 9: Highest-level function diagram for Model/View application.

    1. The first three function calls are to class constructors for the UI screen, the top-level tool model (CalendarTool) and the top-level tool view (CalendarToolUI)

      1. The call to the Screen constructor constructs and initializes the GUI screen on which the View functions will display the user interface elements; in the case of Java, it's a no-op unless the look and feel of the screen are to be changed.

      2. The call to the CalendarTool constructor constructs the top-level Calendar model, which in turn calls constructors for all subsidiary model classes and the data objects they require.

      3. The call to the CalendarMenuUI constructor constructs the top-level elements of the user interface, which in turn calls constructors for all subsidiary view classes and the UI objects they require.

    2. The call to CalendarToolUI.compose performs all specific details of UI layout (in the diagram, compose is invoked through the CalendarToolUI variable named calToolUI).

      1. A number of subfunctions are invoked to layout the various UI pieces.

      2. The functions with bold borders in the diagram are supplied by the Java and 309 libraries.

    3. The call to CalendarTool.setView sets the model to point at the view

      1. Since the model and view mutually refer to each other, one of the pair must use a set function.

      2. In this design, the Model is constructed first and the View constructor is then passed a Model pointer.

      3. Then, Model.setView is called to set the View pointer within the Model (the CalendarTool in this case, with the variable name calTool).

      4. This enables full two-way communication between the Model and View.

    4. The call to the method inserts the view's main window into the UI screen; (in the diagram, is invoked through the CalendarToolUI variable named calToolUI).

    5. Depending on the GUI toolkit being used, a call to the method. may be necessary.

      1. In the case of Java, the run function is a no-op, since the Java runtime environment automatically starts an event loop whenever one or more windows are shown on the screen.

      2. In other toolkits, an explicit call to the run method causes the GUI event handling loop to be started.

    6. Once the event loop is started, all program control is assumed by the toolkit.

      1. In the case of Java, the event loop is in a separate thread of control.

      2. As GUI events are handled, such as mouse clicks and typing, the event loop calls application methods that have been set up to listen for certain events.

  19. Overview of event-based design.

    1. In the function diagram of Figure 9, when the event loop takes over at the end of the Main method, the application program has lost control.

      1. In Java, the event loop executes in a separate thread -- java.awt.EventDispatchThread.

      2. The thread in which the Main method was running (MainThread) has terminated.

      3. What this means is that the only way application methods can be invoked is through an event that is handled by the event loop.

    2. This form of event-based processing is common to all event-based GUI toolkits.

      1. The details of event handling vary rather widely among the different toolkit environments.

      2. Each has what is called an event model -- the precise way in which the event loop is invoked and communicates with the application.

      3. Despite the differences, what is fundamentally the same in all toolkits is that the initiating main program looses control and all subsequent execution of application methods is through events.

  20. Designing event-based programs.

    1. There are two important aspects of designing event-based programs:

      1. setting up the event handlers

      2. handling the events

    2. Setting up the event handlers is what enables to program to respond to the events.

      1. In the case of GUI-based programs, events are the actions performed by the end user, such as mouse and key clicks.

      2. In Java, setting up an event handler is a matter of constructing an EventListener object, which is attached to a GUI element with which the user interacts.

      3. A very typical case is attaching an ActionListener to a JMenuItem or JButton.

    3. The actual handling of events by the application program is performed when an event handler invokes an application method.

      1. In the case of GUI-based programs, the event-invoked methods are typically referred to as "call-back" methods.

      2. In Java, call-backs are invoked from the actionPerformed method of an EventListener.

      3. This actionPerformed method is specialized for each listener.

      4. What each specialized version of actionPerformed does is to call the application method that should be triggered by the event being handled.

  21. Design diagram notation.

    1. In our high-level function diagram notation, event-based invocation is shown with a double line labeled with the name of the triggering event.

    2. Figure 10 is an excerpt from the 309 handout on the graphical modeling notation which illustrates the diagramming format.

      Figure 10: Event diagramming notation.

      1. Figure 10a illustrates the normal mode of method invocation, where the main method invokes methodA, methodB, and methodC.

      2. Figure 10b illustrates the event-based invocation, where the event named "EventName" triggers the invocation of methodD and methodE.

    3. This notation is used in the example diagrams that follow.

  22. Examples of setting up and handling events.

    1. Figure 11 shows excerpts from the Calendar Tool main function diagram related to setting up the event handlers.

      Figure 11: Setting up Calendar Tool event handlers.

    2. Figure 12 shows excerpts from the Calendar Tool event-based invocation hierarchy related to handling GUI events.

      Figure 12: Responding to Calendar Tool GUI events.

    3. These digrams correspond to the following implementation source files:

      1. The code in these files implements the design diagrams shown in the figures.

      2. We'll do a detailed walk-through of the code during class.

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