Creating a New Question Bank

To create a new Question Bank, the user clicks the button for "New Bank", as shown in Figure 24.

Create A New Question Bank
Figure 24: Creating a new Question Bank

A new line in the list appears with the default text "Untitled Bank", which the user can edit by double clicking on the new bank and typing in the desired name. After the user enters the name of the Question Bank and clicks "Continue", the software takes the user to the Question Bank Admin page (Figure 25). On this page, the user can "Add A Question," "Edit A Question," "Delete A Question," or choose "Import A Question." Each of these functionalities will be described in the Section 2.3.2.

Question Bank Administration Empty
Figure 25: Empty Question Bank Administration Page Populating the New Question Bank

Now that the user has created a new question bank, he or she can add questions to the bank in two ways: first, by adding a new question; and second, by importing a question from another bank. The final populated datbase will look like the following:

Question Bank with all Types
Figure 26: Question Bank with All Question Types

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