2.5.7. Conflict Resolution

There are many cases that can result from different databases. This section will discuss two common occurrences and how they are represented in Scheduler.

Class sections are assigned to "Staff" when a proper pairing with an instructor does not occur. This may happen when the Work Time Unit (WTU) limits of all instructors have been exceeded, or if available instructors do not match with the remaining sections. This can be resolved if an Administrator edits the Instructors or Courses databases, as described in sections 2.3.1. Roomsand 2.3.2. Courses respectively.

Figure 1: Section Assigned to Staff

A section is scheduled in a "TBA" room if it requires a room type that is unavailable. This can be resolved if an Administrator adds additional rooms to the the Rooms database, or edits the Courses database, as described in sections
2.3.3. Instructors and 2.3.1. Rooms respectively.

Figure 2: Section Scheduled in TBA Room

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