2.1. User Interface Overview

2.1.1 Instructor Application Interface Overview

When an instructor initially invokes the Test tool, the screen appears as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Initial screen.

The initial display consists of a sidebar with buttons (on the left), which are used to control what is displayed in the main window. This persistent button sidebar can be used to access all functionalities provided by the TestTool. When any of the following buttons are clicked, their corresponding screens are inflated in the blank section seen on the right side of the initial screen.

  • Tests - When a user clicks this button, they are brought to the Test Menu
  • Questions- When a user clicks this button, they are brought to a screen which allows them to enter new questions or import existing questions.
  • Deploy Tests - When a user clicks this button, a page is loaded which allows them to make their tests available to student users.
  • View Tests as Student - When the user clicks this button, they are presented with tools for viewing tests as their students would see them.
  • Grades / Results - After clicking this button, users are brought to a page which displays results for tests which have been completed.

    2.1.2 Student Application Interface Overview

    When a student initially invokes the Test tool, the screen appears as shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2: Initial Student View.
