2.1.2. Student User Interface Overview

The CSTutor is broken down into two main applications: The Student interface and the Instructor interface. This document discusses the details of the Student interface. This interface is a Multiple Document Interface (MDI), so it allows many windows to be open at once. Switching between windows can be done from the Window menu, using the tab strip at the top of the screen, or by clicking on a windows title bar.

When the user first opens the program, it displays the login dialog. Once the user completes the login process (as detailed in Section 2.7.1), the system displays the Tutorials window as shown in Figure 2.1.2a. No document windows are open initially.

Figure 2.1.2a: Initial Browse tab in Tutorials window. Menu Descriptions

Figure Fully expanded menu structure.

The File menu has the expected menu entries plus a few specific to the CSTutor. Standard entries such as Close, Save, Print, and Exit behave as is standard for a multiple document interface.

Open brings up the Tutorials window if the user has closed it, or it will open a tutorial if a user has one selected in the window. Otherwise, it is disabled.
Close only closes the current window, while Close All will close all open windows.
Print prints the contents of the active window using default options.
Preferences contains all the options for the Student Interface.
Exit closes all currently open windows and logs the user off of the server, then terminates the application.

Note that as students are not permitted to edit tutorials, there is no Save option.

The Edit menu contains the standard clipboard operations.
Undo and Redo allow the user to cancel the last change she made to a text field and to reinstate that cancelled edit, respectively.
Cut moves the current text selection to the clipboard, while Copy stores the selection in the clipboard without removing it from the text field. If the cliboard contents are plain text, Paste inserts them in place of the current selection or at the cursor position if the user has not selected anything.
Select All selects the full contents of a text field, if the user has selected one; otherwise it selects the entire active window.
Find brings up a standard Find dialog box from which the user can enter a search string and scroll through all occurrences of the string in the active window. Replace brings up a similar window but with additional options to replace the located text with a different string.

The View menu contains all tutorial viewing options, and works only when a tutorial window is selected.
When in frame navigation mode, the four navigation options change the content frame to the appropriate page.
When in roadmap navigation mode, the four options open a new window containing the appropriate page in the tutorial.
Full Screen takes the current tutorial page and maximizes it, taking up the entire display. The user may return the page to normal by pressing the keyboard shortcut for this option or by using the standard menu buttons on the window frame.

The Communications menu contains shortcuts to all extra tools associated with a tutotiral.
Chat Room opens a new window with the chat room pertaining to the currently active tutorial, if the active window is a tutorial.
Remote Desktop initiates the remote desktop procedure, which is explained in
Section 2.5.2.
Disconnect Remote ends the currently active remote desktop session, if the active window is a remote window.
Message Board opens a new window with the message board pertaining to the currently active tutorial, if the active window is a tutorial.

The Help menu provides access to the help index and the About dialog.

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