2.16. Details of File Commands

2.8.1. Invoking the Scheduler from the Underlying Operating Environment

The Scheduler tool is invoked by either running the executable program file from a windowed environment, or by attempting to open an .scw file.  Only one instance of the application may be open at a given time, however multiple workspaces may be open within that instance.  If the application is already open, attempts at opening an .scw file will open the workspace within the instance which is already running.

2.8.2. New, Open, and Close

Zero or more schedule files may be open at any time. The name of the currently active file is listed in the main title bar of the application (the one with the menubar) following the words "Scheduler Tool - ". When no schedule file is open, the title bar reads only "Schedule rTool".

The effect of multiple files on the windowing modes is as follows.  The current file is defined as the file associated with the current window. Whenever a different workspace becomes active, the main title bar is changed to the schedule name defined for that workspace.  If no schedule name is defined the title bar displays the file name of that workspace.

2.8.3. Save, Save As, Save All

Note that `Save' is disabled when the currently selected workspace is identical to the file from which it originated.

2.8.4. Printing

Printing is enabled only when a list window is selected and the printed output closely resembles what is displayed in the list portion of the list windows.  The list windows are the Course List window, the Instructor List window, the Classroom List window, and the View Schedule window.


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