Deadlines for A1 and A2

Since I officially announced the availability of the first assignment only today, I’ve moved the deadline for A1 from Thu, Oct. 18, to Tue, Oct. 23.
When I did this, I also noticed that the deadline for A2 Part 1 wasn’t displayed; it is Thu, Nov. 11.

Disappearing AI Nugget Entries

If your AI Nugget doesn’t show up in the 480-F12 AI Nugget presentations list, there’s a good chance that you inadvertently deleted the field entries, which are hidden behind a green blob at the very beginning of the entry in the “visual” editing mode.
You can edit your entries by clicking on it in the
480-F12 AI Nugget presentations list. It's best to do any simple editing by clicking on "edit with form", not the triangle next to it, which pops up a few options with "Edit" being one of them. If you select "Edit", you'll be in "visual" mode, and you should see a green puzzle piece shape at the very beginning of the entry. Don't delete that - it includes important fields for your entry. You can see those in "source" mode. If you delete them, your entry won’t be shown in the list of presentations.
A list of all pages on the Wiki is at, and you can also go through, which shows the most recent edits.

AI Nugget Wiki Editing Hints

There are different editing modes for the Wiki we’re using as AI Nugget repository. If you go to your entry through the list at, you’ll see an “Edit with Form” button, and a downward triangle next to it, which takes you to the editing pane, where you can use a tab to toggle between “Source” and “Visual” mode. That triangle also lets you go back to previous versions (“History”), and do things like renaming and deleting entries.
Here are a few observations:
  • “Edit with Forms:” Best if you need to make minor changes, such as your presentation title or date. If you’re editing the “Free Text” box, you can use the typical Wiki shortcuts (see also below).
  • “Source:” Wiki editing mode; clicking on the “more / +” button in the editing toolbar brings up an overview of the common Wiki shortcuts; I’ve copied them at the bottom of this note). You may need to use this mode if your entry somehow got messed up.
  • “Visual:” Allows the use of a toolbar for formatting functions, instead of the Wiki shortcuts. However, do not delete the green blob at the very beginning! It contains the field values for your entry, and if you delete it, your entry won’t appear in the list of presentations. To fix that, you can use the browser’s back button to o to the formatted version of your entry, and from the triangle next to the “Edit” button select “History”. There you can go back to a prior version, and recover the lost field entries.
A list of all pages on the Wiki is at, and you can also go through, which shows the most recent edits.

Common Wiki Shortcuts


Below are some commonly used wiki markup codes. Simply click on what you want to use and it will appear in the edit box above.
Insert: ° ± × ÷ · §  Sign your username: ~~~~

Wiki markup: {{}}   |   []   [[]]   [[Category:]]   #REDIRECT [[]]          
    {{Reflist}}        {{DEFAULTSORT:}}       Symbols: ~ | ¡ ¿   # ¹ ² ³ ½ ¼ ¾   «»   ¤ ฿ ¢ $ ƒ £ ¥  

Lab 3 BotEnvironment Questions

Please post questions about the BotEnvironment on the PolyLearn forum “BotEnvironment Issues”; it’s under “2 - Intelligent Agents” on the course overview page on PolyLearn.
This has several advantages over just sending it to me via email:
- somebody else may have similar issues, and possibly a solution
- you may get an answer faster than from me
- you may get a better answer
- there is a team working on a revision or re-implementation of the environment, and it’s helpful for them to know where the typical problems are
- I’m counting this as evidence towards class participation

I have the subscription mode set to “auto subscription”, which means that everybody in class who doesn’t opt out received a notification of new postings. So posting it there will reach me just as fast as a direct email.