
Collected Feedback on Mid-quarter Project Displays

The feedback collected earlier today during the project displays is now available. I’ve added a PDF file as an attachment to the Wiki page on “Features” or to the entry page if a team uses only a single page. I’ve included the comments and the scores. However, these scores are not very important, and may simply reflect the partial completion of the implementation, which is not unexpected at this time of the quarter. I’m not brading the displays separately, although some information may make its way into the next couple of grades for project parts (“ Features, Requirements and Evaluation Criteria; Design and Implementation”).
Overall I’m fairly happy with the status of the projects, although the Wiki documentations for some are still a bit weak ;-)

Project Displays

For the project team displays on Thursday, we’ll use the lecture and the lab times, unless there’s a backlog of AI Nuggets that we can catch up on. If that’s the case, we’ll do the AI Nuggets first, and then switch over to the project displays.
Your project displays should include the following (see also the “Project Documentation” entry on this “
Class News” page):
  • Project Description and Context
  • Features, Requirements and Evaluation Criteria
  • some evidence of system design and implementation, ideally in the form of a prototype.
This material should be reasonably self-contained, so that somebody who happens to walk by can understand what your project is about. Usually a team member should be available to answer questions and give further explanations. If you want to, you can also do mini-presentations or demos for a small group of visitors.
You should set up your display in such a way that a small group of people standing around your display area is able to read your material. The most common way to achieve this is through poster boards, but you can also use large computer displays for that.
I’m also collecting
feedback on other teams. You can either do this individually, or coordinate it within your team. Either way, make sure that your team has at least one person giving feedback for all the other teams. It’s also advisable to keep track of which teams already have visited your display so you don’t take it down before everybody (including myself) has had a chance to look at it.

Project Documentation

I’m a bit behind with the evaluation of the project documentation, but I've just completed my initial scoring of Project Difficulty, Relevance, and the Description and Context aspects. The first two are fine, and all projects got 9 or 10 out of 10 (I may revise this if the scope or focus of a project changes significantly). The Project Description and Context, however, are far weaker, with scores from 0 (nothing there) to 8 out of 10. Since I haven’t discussed this in class in detail, the teams will have an opportunity to revise their Wikis, and request a re-grade.
Here are the main parts that I’ll use for the grading of the projects, although for grading purposes I may split them up in smaller pieces:
  • Project Description and Context
  • Features, Requirements and Evaluation Criteria
  • Design and Implementation
  • Experiments, Evaluation, and Conclusions
  • Team Contributions and Mutual Team Member Feedback
Each of the above parts contributes 20% to the overall project score. Typically the first four will be the same for all team members, unless I am aware of a major disparity in the respective efforts and contributions. The last one will be done on an individual basis, and incorporates feedback from the team mates.
For your reference, here are a few links to good examples of project documents from previous classes. The expectations are pretty much the same for the AI classes (480, 481, 580), and not that much different for the User-Centered Design and Human-Computer Interaction classes (484, 486).

Project TRAC Wikis Available

Our sysadmins created a number of TRAC wikis for us, to be used for the team projects. I want you to use them mostly for the project documentation, but you can also use their SVN functionality as a code repository. Once we assign the team numbers, I’ll add one team member to the wiki. This person then can add the rest of the team. If you want to, send me an email with whoever wants to be the first team member, and I’ll add that person.

My strong preference is for all teams to use the TRAC Wiki, at least for the documentation. This is mainly for two reasons: Persistence (documents on your personal Cal Poly Web page, for example, will disappear when you graduate), and consistency, which makes it easier for me to find a particular piece of documentation. If you have a good argument for using something else, I’m open to it, but please discuss it with me first.

For each team wiki, I've created a group "Members" with SVN_READ, SVN_WRITE and TRAC_ADMIN privileges.
To add your team members to the wiki, do the following:
  • go to the Wiki
  • login with your CSC login information (login name, password)
  • go the the "Admin" page by clicking on the "Admin" tab , and then "Permissions" in the list on the left.
  • enter their login names one by one in the "Add Subject to Group" area to add them to the "Members" group

When you create new pages in your wiki, you can select templates from a pull-down menu. Those templates are intended for my courses with team projects, and they contain information on what to put in the respective pages.

If you want to exercise tighter controls, you can also create different groups with restricted privileges, and assign them to those groups.

To access the SVN repository of the TRAC Wiki, add /svn either before or after the name of your wiki in the URL. So for team 11, this would be or

See more information at, the “Repository Browser” entry of the “Help/Guide” tab on your Wiki(, or for the technical details.


Project Topic Suggestions

The documentation for the term project is available; in addition to the page with project topic ideas, you can find information on possible project topics at the Wikia Semantic Media Wiki under 480-F12 Project Proposal Listing.

Updated Grades on PolyLearn

I’ve updated PolyLearn with the scores for the following items
* Labs L1 through L8
I’ve graded all of them that were submitted via the respective Web forms; still need to do Lab 9 and Lab 10
* Assignments A1 and A2
If you’ve demoed your assignments A1 and A2, you should have a grade. If I’ll have to run them myself, this will have to wait until next week. There may be time on Thursday after the project displays to do more demos.
* AI Nugget presentations
I believe I’ve graded all the presentations given so far, but still need to do some of the presentation materials.