
Project Displays

For the project team displays on Thursday, we’ll use the lecture and the lab times, unless there’s a backlog of AI Nuggets that we can catch up on. If that’s the case, we’ll do the AI Nuggets first, and then switch over to the project displays.
Your project displays should include the following (see also the “Project Documentation” entry on this “
Class News” page):
  • Project Description and Context
  • Features, Requirements and Evaluation Criteria
  • some evidence of system design and implementation, ideally in the form of a prototype.
This material should be reasonably self-contained, so that somebody who happens to walk by can understand what your project is about. Usually a team member should be available to answer questions and give further explanations. If you want to, you can also do mini-presentations or demos for a small group of visitors.
You should set up your display in such a way that a small group of people standing around your display area is able to read your material. The most common way to achieve this is through poster boards, but you can also use large computer displays for that.
I’m also collecting
feedback on other teams. You can either do this individually, or coordinate it within your team. Either way, make sure that your team has at least one person giving feedback for all the other teams. It’s also advisable to keep track of which teams already have visited your display so you don’t take it down before everybody (including myself) has had a chance to look at it.