
Lab 2: Auto-Step Solution for BotEnvironment

Here’s a solution for the missing Auto-Step behavior in the environment for Lab2; thanks, Alan!

Author: Alan Phu Truong.


Instead of using the following to start your environment in Linux/Mac:
java -classpath .:WumpusEnvironment.jar BotEnvironment.WumpusEnvironment

java -Xint -classpath .:WumpusEnvironment.jar BotEnvironment.WumpusEnvironment

On Windows, replace the colon with a semicolon:
java -Xint -classpath .;WumpusEnvironment.jar BotEnvironment.WumpusEnvironment

AutoStep seems to work under more circumstances with this flag.

-Xint: Operate in interpreted-only mode. Compilation to native code is disabled, and all bytecodes are executed by the interpreter. The performance benefits offered by the Java HotSpot VMs' adaptive compiler will not be present in this mode.See

I’ve also added a pointer to additional material on Blackboard (under BotEnvironment JavaDocs, BotEnvironment Tutorial, and BotEnvironment FAQ) to the Lab 2 description.

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