
AI Nugget Proposal Grades

I’ve just completed the grading of the AI Nugget proposals; please check PolyLearn for your score. I will still accept late submissions and revisions, but they may be subject to late penalties. My usual late penalty is 10% per business day.

Lab 2 Grading Process

The way I’ve set up the grades on PolyLearn requires me to enter a score for all components of Lab 2, including the answers students submitted via a Webform. For this and a few other labs and assignments, I’ll do much of the grading via demos during the lab. To record the scores for the demos, with my current setup I also need to submit scores for the Web form and the README.txt file. In situations where I can’t do this right away, I’ll enter a score of 0 for those components for now, which I’ll change when I grade the Web form submissions.

Updated Grades on PolyLearn

I’ve updated PolyLearn with the scores for the following items
* Labs L1 through L8
I’ve graded all of them that were submitted via the respective Web forms; still need to do Lab 9 and Lab 10
* Assignments A1 and A2
If you’ve demoed your assignments A1 and A2, you should have a grade. If I’ll have to run them myself, this will have to wait until next week. There may be time on Thursday after the project displays to do more demos.
* AI Nugget presentations
I believe I’ve graded all the presentations given so far, but still need to do some of the presentation materials.