09 September 2012

Grading of Programming Labs and Assignments

Most likely I won’t have a grader this quarter, so I'll try to do most of the grading of the programming labs and assignments during the labs. If time permits, I'll start on Tuesday, and I'll have  a quick look at your implementation. To make this go smoothly, it is helpful if you have your program running and the README file visible. To be efficient, please open multiple instances of the BotEnvironment with the different agents so you can easily switch from one part to the next. 

Slides Week 1 Available

You can download the slides for Week 1 now, either through the schedule by clicking on the link for the topic, or by going to the directory http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~fkurfess/Courses/480/F11/Slides/. The latter is preferable if you want the Keynote version instead of a .ppt file.
You can also find last year’s version of the slides for the upcoming chapters. Most likely I’ll make minor changes before I use them in class, but the overall arrangement for a chapter will not change too much.

Class News as RSS Feed

If you want to, you can follow theses class updates through an RSS feed. Since this is unlikely to be of interest to anybody outside this class, I’m not planning on making it available through one of the popular RSS channels. Let me know if you think that there would be any benefits in doing so.

Welcome to CSC 480-F12!

I’ll use this page for updates on the CSC/CPE 480 class in F12. There are two sections, 480-01 and 480-03, and unless specifically indicated, all entries here refer to both sections.