AI Nugget Proposal Grades

I’ve just completed the grading of the AI Nugget proposals; please check PolyLearn for your score. I will still accept late submissions and revisions, but they may be subject to late penalties. My usual late penalty is 10% per business day.

AI Nugget Presentation Material

If you have problems uploading or are reluctant to make your content (e.g. presentation slides) available through Semantic Media Wiki at, you can also post material on the PolyLearn “AI Nugget Forum” now. It is under “Course Material and Use of PolyLearn.”

Lab 3 Available

Lab 3 is available now, including on PolyLearn.

Lab 2 Grading Process

The way I’ve set up the grades on PolyLearn requires me to enter a score for all components of Lab 2, including the answers students submitted via a Webform. For this and a few other labs and assignments, I’ll do much of the grading via demos during the lab. To record the scores for the demos, with my current setup I also need to submit scores for the Web form and the README.txt file. In situations where I can’t do this right away, I’ll enter a score of 0 for those components for now, which I’ll change when I grade the Web form submissions.

Lab 2 PolyLearn File Limit Extended

While I selected “multiple files” for submissions of Lab 2 via PolyLearn, I didn’t realize that the default was set to 3; I extended it to 20. You can also put multiple files into a .zip archive.