11 November 2012

AI Nugget Grades Updated

I’ve done another round of grading for the AI Nugget materials, and I believe that I’ve caught up with the presentations given so far. However, quite a few students have not made their material available yet, although they’ve already given their presentation. If you don’t have a grade for your presentation material, and you’ve already done the presentation, please make sure that your material is available either through your page on the AI/KB/HCI Wiki (http://kurfess.wikia.com/wiki/AI_%26_HCI_Presentation_and_Project_Wiki), or on the PolyLearn forum for the AI Nuggets.

Quiz 8 Available now until Wed night

The quiz on predicate logic and knowledge-based systems is available now, and open until the end of the day on Wednesday.

Time Line for Lab 9 (Decision Tree Learning) and Lab 10 (AI and Humor)

Since we’re a little behind with the material, Lab 9 on Decision Tree Learning is pushed back one week, with the deadline of Tue, Nov. 27. If you want to, you can get a head start on Lab 10, which is independent of the topics discussed in class.

Quiz 7 on Reasoning and Inference Available on Tue, Nov. 13

The quiz will be available all day on Tue, Nov. 13.