
Quiz 8 Available now until Wed night

The quiz on predicate logic and knowledge-based systems is available now, and open until the end of the day on Wednesday.

Quiz 7 on Reasoning and Inference Available on Tue, Nov. 13

The quiz will be available all day on Tue, Nov. 13.

No Quiz for Week 8

There will be no quiz this week since we only started discussing the reasoning topic on Thursday. I’ll adjust the weight of the other quizzes accordingly.

Quiz 6: Games

Quiz 6 will be available all day on Tue, Oct. 30, and on Wed, Oct. 31. Since we’re a bit behind and haven’t fully discussed the games chapter, I’m leaving the quiz open a bit longer.

Quiz 1 Re-grade and Results

I re-graded the questions about human vs. artificial intelligence, and gave significantly higher partial credit for those answers that have a healthy degree of truth to them (usually 70-80%). This brought up the average score for these questions in line with the other ones, for a range of 6.86 to 10, and an overall average of 85.34 for all the students who took the quiz.

Quiz 1 - Partial Credit

It looks like the transition from Blackboard to PolyLearn caused some problems with multiple choice questions and partial credit by setting the percentage values for partial credit to zero. If you suspect that this is the case, let me know.

Quiz 9 Available

The quiz for this week is available on PolyLearn until the end of the day on Wed, Nov. 28. The topic is learning.

Quiz Makeup Opportunity

If you want to improve your score in a quiz, you can submit alternative questions for the quiz, together with proposed answers.
Here are the guidelines for these questions:
- you need to indicate for which quiz (by week or by topic) the questions are intended
- each question adds up to five points to your quiz score; if I need to revise the question or answers, you may get fewer points
- you can submit several questions, but your overall score for that particular quiz won't be higher than 100 points
- please formulate the questions as plain text format according to one of the three templates below. Multiple-choice are my preferred option, but multiple-answers (where more than one answer is correct), fill-in-the-blank, calculated answers, and several others are also available.

Question Template 1 (Multiple Choice, NL-delimited)

Sample Question Name
This is a template for a multiple choice question. Which of the following options is the correct or most suitable answer?
[ ] Answer 1 [10%] [Why is it incorrect?] 
[ ] Answer 2 [30%] [Why is it incorrect?]
[X] Answer 3  [100%] [Why is it correct?]
[ ] Answer 4 [0%] [Why is it incorrect?]

The first line is the question name (a short phrase that is used as identifier for the questions), followed by the actual question.
The next lines contain possible answers, the correct one marked by an X.
The two columns in square brackets indicate the amount of (partial) credit, and feedback to the student for the selected answer.

Question Template 2 (Multiple Choice, TAB-delimited)

MC Question name Question text *Correct answer Other answer Other answer Other answer

MC indicates the question type (Multiple Choice in this case), and the correct answer has a * in front. The whole question must be in a single line, and individual parts of the question are separated by TAB characters (which aren’t presented well in some browsers).
To create questions in this format, it may be easiest to use a spreadsheet with a new row for each question, and columns for each question part.

Question Template 3 (Multiple Choice, Web form)

Follow the link to a Web form for this. You’ll have to submit each question separately since the Web form doesn’t do loops.