CSC 308 Milestones 3 and 4

CSC 308 Milestones 3 and 4



Your work for Milestones 3 and 4 involves continuation of the work begun in Milestone 2, initial work on modeling, inspection testing, and administrative activities. The specific tasks are as follows:

  1. Complete Section 1 of the requirements specification document, addressing all comments in your Milestone 1 evaluation

  2. Continue to refine and add new functional requirements scenarios to Section 2, based in particular on customer feedback.

  3. Present your requirements work in a formal walkthrough, to be presented during fifth week lab meetings on Monday through Friday. Some details on the presentations are in Lecture Notes Week 4. The presentation schedule is as follows:

    Time Day Team
    12:10 - 12:34 Mon 2 Feb DJ Cars
    12:36 - 1:00 Mon 2 Feb TokenCSC
    12:10 - 12:34 Wed 4 Feb Team 0
    12:36 - 1:00 Wed 4 Feb Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies
    12:10 - 12:34 Fri 6 Feb Node
    12:36 - 1:00 Fri 6 Feb Team #1

  4. Begin work on the formal Java model of your system, in the form of a rough first draft of model modules, objects, and operations. In Java, these are represented respectively as packages, classes, and methods. For this milestone, the model must:

    1. be organized into packages

    2. compile with the javac compiler

    3. have minimal javadoc comments -- one simple comment per class describing the purpose of the class

    The model package directories and .java files are checked into the project specification directory.

  5. Assign inspection test duties for Weeks 5 - 10 1. Then for week 5, complete the first round of requirements inspection testing, performed by the team member who is assigned the inspection duties for that week.

    Record the duties in the file administration/inspection-roster.html, in a table of the following form:

    Week No. Team Member Initials
    5 member a  
    6 member b  
    7 member c  
    8 member d  
    9 member e  
    10 member f   1

    There are additional instructions for filling in this table in the SOP on requirements testing.

  6. Refine the individual work assignments for each team member's contributions to Section 2 of the requirements specification. Record these assignments in the work-breakdown.html file in the project administration directory.

We will discuss details of tasks 2, 3, and 4 in lecture during the fourth and fifth weeks.

Summary of Deliverables