2.5 Database Management

There are 3 databases common to all schedules: Instructors, Courses and Rooms. These databases exist in two forms. The first is a common pool of instructors, courses, or rooms that all schedules have access to. This common pool should contain the most stable aspects of the schedule, for example, full-time professors, core courses of the curriculim, and rooms that are used every quarter. These databases are accessed through the 'Database' menu. The second form of database is the local database that is individual to each schedule. These databases are accessed through the 'Project' menu. When a project is created, it will copy over information from the permanent databases into the local databases. The administrator will then choose which instructors, courses, and rooms to use in the current schedule. The administrator may also add and remove from the local databases in the same manner as the permanent databases. This feature is suggested for less stable aspects, such as experimental courses or guest lecturers. If the administrator would like to update changes made from the local databases into the permanent ones, they can do this by going to 'Project->Reconcile Databases'. This feature takes the administrator through each of the changes they have made to the local databases. The administrator can then decide whether to update the information into the permanent database or not.

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