
The following list of articles were researched and used to understand the terminology, key concepts and algorithms.

   [1] Bubble Model [PDF]
         Csebfalvi, B and Groller, E. "Interactive Volume Rendering based on a Bubble Model".
         Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms,Vienna University of Technology,
         pp. 1-8.

   [2] Fast Volume Rendering [PDF]
         Lacroute, G. P. "Fast volume rendering using a shear-warp factorization of the viewing
         transformation". Technical Report. Computer Systems Laboratory, Stanford University,
         pp. 1-236, September 1995.

   [3] Gradient Estimation [PDF]
         Neumann, L., Csebfalvi, B., Konig, A., and Groller, E. "Gradient Estimation in Volume
         Data using 4D Linear Regression". Eurographics 2000, Vol 19, No. 3.

   [4] Display of Surfaces from Volume Data [PDF]
         Levoy, M. "Display of Surfaces from Volume Data". IEEE Computer Graphics and
         Applications, 8(5):29-37, May 1988.


List of websites visited:

   Volume Rendering

   Volume Ray Casting

   16-bit Pixels

   RGB to HEX Converter

   Real time volume graphics e-book

   Visible Human Project

   [5] Riverside Health Reference

   Interactive Volume Rendering: "Bubble Model"

   [6] Scientific Visualization and 3D Volume Rendering

   Fast Volume Rendering Using a Shear-Warp Factorization of the Viewing Transformation


The following list of websites were used to acquire the datasets used in this project. Not all datasets were used due to memory limitations as well as the dataset format type.

   The Stanford volume data archive

   CT Datasets Archive


The following list of tools were used to create the user interface and convert the datasets from .pvm to .raw format.

   GLUI User Interface Library

   V^3 Volume rendering Package: PVM tools

Copyright © Winter 2011