2.9. Detail of File Commands

The scenarios in this section cover full details of file-related commands, some of which have been introduced in preceding sections. The Grader program uses a gradebook file containing the following information :


A collection of classes which consists of:

2.9.1 New and Open

The ‘New’ and ‘Open’ commands enables one to create or open a gradebook file with one initial spreadsheet for a class (Section 2.2.1 and Section 2.2.2)

2.9.2 Save

The ‘Save’ command saves the whole gradebook and it’s components of classess and student information. Upon save a couple session information are also saved such as the current viewing class spreadsheet from the class collection. (Section 2.2.3)

2.9.3 Exit

The ‘Exit’ command makes sure that if the windows the data has been modified, it will ask if  the user wants to save the existing information.

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