2.1.2 Student User Interface

A small grader-esque module offering many of the features available in the main grading tool is available for student grade access. From within the Grade Viewer students are able to view their grades, observe their class position relative to their peers, forecast future grades through "what if" grading, benignly manipulate statistical visuals, and handin assignments. Figures and below show the initial renderings of the student user interface used to accomplish the aforementioned tasks.

Figure Initial Grade Viewer Window


Figure Grade Viewer Menu Expansion

Grade Viewer is provided by the instructor as an executable for students. Students need only obtain .grdr files from an instructor designated source. The file menu for the Grade Viewer is identical to the Grader's with the exception of the two options above the exit command. Handin allows the student to submit an assignment for grading, details of Handin are found in section 2.11. Recent Files is a submenu that opens when the mouse pointer is rolled over it, the five most recently opened grade files appear. The View menu contains access to Statistics for a grade file as outlined in section 2.6 and Grading Scale provides a summary of the grade scale set for the currently opened class as set by the instructor.

The unique Grader IDs, introduced in section 2.3.1, are used by the Grader to highlight the row of grades corresponding to the respective student during student grade file generation discussed in section 2.9.2 (student grade control). Grader IDs also play a role in retrieving graded items and grade files. The grade files students obtain contain absolutely no identification information. A rough draft of a gradesheet viewed from the student's perspective is displayed below in Figure


Figure Grade Viewer: Student Grade File Perspective


The figure above shows the grade sheet sorted by ascending ID, clicking in any of the blank squares in the ID row sorts the sheet by that respective column. Homework, Quizes, Midterms and Final are all "parent graded items", their children columns can be expanded/collapsed by clicking the +/- icon on the left side of each parent. All parents are expanded in the above figure.

A visulizations tab houses statistical models identical to the Grader's. Details of visualizations are provided in section 2.5. Of course any modifications made to a grade sheet do not affect the instructor's copy.

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