2.12. How the Schedule is Generated

The schedule is generated based on specific criterion.  If the application is generating a new schedule, the first issue addressed is that of critical conflicts.  The application doesn't create a schedule which has a critical conflict, and if no schedule exists without conflicts then certain default values are assigned.  If an instructor is not found for a course, the course is scheduled with the instructor set as STAFF, or if a room is not available for a course, the location is set to TBA (to be announced). 

Critical conflicts which are resolved with a STAFF assignment:

Critical conflicts which are resolved with a TBA assignment:

After critical conflicts criteria are met, the application attempts to create a schedule which best meets the preferences of the instructors.  The preferences are taken from the copy of the instructor database saved within the particular workspace, and so the preferences may have been changed to the schedule administrator's preferences.  A series of preference criteria are evaluated on a point scale for each potential course, instructor, and classroom placement (collectively called a "time block"), and the schedule which is selected is the one with the fewest TBA and STAFF assignments and the highest average point value for all scheduled sections.  The preference criteria are as follows:

Not all criteria is used for each rating determination.  The rating is based on which elements of the time block are present in the time block.  If the rating is being determined while trying to add an element to time block, the rating is determined as if that element is already part of the time block.

Time blocks which are missing an element (course, instructor, or classroom) are penalized two-fold:  they are allowed a lower maximum point value than a fully assigned time block, and they include a STAFF instructor assignment and/or TBA classroom assignment.  The schedule chosen is the one which primarily has the fewest STAFF and TBA assignments and secondarily which has the highest average rating (on a 100 point scale) for all the time blocks in the schedule.

If the user has already generated a schedule and is now trying to update the schedule, the application follows the same guidelines as for a new schedule, except that it schedules around the time blocks which have been locked in the schedule edit mode.  These blocks are locked because they have the "Do not allow auto-generator to edit" property set to true, as discussed in the edit schedule section.  Note that if the user has manually scheduled such that a critical conflict exists, the critical conflict is preserved but the user is shown a warning such as that in Figure 2.12-1.

Figure 2.12-1: Warning displayed if manual edits create a critical conflict.

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