Quiz Week 3

The week 3 quiz will be available on Thursday from 9:30 to 10:30 for the first section, and from 4:30 - 5:30 pm for the afternoon section.
It will cover “Intelligent Agents,” the material for Week 2; see the
schedule for mappings to the text book and the slides.

AI Nuggets Signup

If you already have an idea for your AI Nugget presentation, sign up for a date on the Blackboard “AI Wiki”. After today, I’ll let those students that don’t have a topic yet sign up as well, and my guess is that the more desirable slots will go very quickly then.

A 1 Available

I’ve made the first assignment available; it is a continuation of the lab with the search algorithms, expanding it to the uniform-cost, greedy, and A* algorithms. Still missing is the link to the Google Web form, I’ll add that soon.