
Class Participation Questionnaire

Please go to the Web form at https://spreadsheets1.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHBKN3RpYUw5S3NUMVFDQmhOV1Z5d1E6MA to give me information on your participation in activities related to this class. This is mostly about lecture, labs, and Blackboard, but you can also mention other relevant ones like guest lectures. I may use this information to adjust my score for the class participation.

Quiz 6, but no Lecture on Thu, Nov. 28

I’ll be out of town on Thursday, so there will be no lecture. I recommend that you use the lab time for team meetings, and work on the labs and assignments. There will be a quiz this week, on the topic “Local Search and Constraint Satisfaction.” Instead of making it available during a fixed time as usual, I may make it available all day, but with a 1 hour time limit.