
Class Participation Questionnaire

Please go to the Web form at to give me information on your participation in activities related to this class. This is mostly about lecture, labs, and Blackboard, but you can also mention other relevant ones like guest lectures. I may use this information to adjust my score for the class participation.

AI Nuggets Presentations

If you have a topic for your AI Nugget presentation, you can sign up for it on Blackboard. Go to the “AI Wiki”, and follow the link to the presentation schedule for your section. Instructions are on the Wiki. I will publish the Web pages with more information on the AI Nuggets task soon. If your looking for topic ideas, try my collection of Web snippets in the AI Nuggets Evernote Notebook. You may also find some ideas at a related notebook, KM Nuggets, with an emphasis on knowledge management.

Blackboard Access Set Up

I had my quarterly wrestling match with Blackboard, and it should be available now. We'll use it for the submission of assignments (there's a menu entry "Assignment Submission") and possibly some of the labs, and for the  AI Nugget presentation (under “AI Wiki”). If you already have a topic, pick a date, and enter your name and topic in the table with the presentation schedule. You'll also add a Wiki page there with your topic proposal, and later the draft and final versions of your presentation material.
Please note that the Wiki and the Discussion Board are part of a different, permanent course ( CSC-0480 ALL RELATED COURSES (CSC-0480-FKURFESS)), and linked to the 480 menu entry. I’ve copied the enrollment to that course, so it will appear in your list of Blackboard courses as well. Depending on how you navigate, you may also see the menu for that course, which has a greenish background. This linking business should be mostly invisible to you, however.